Games based off of movies rarely go well, but I think Way Forward may be onto something with their latest project. Teaming up with Universal Brand Development, those kooky kids behind Shantae have cooked up a Metroidvania with classic looking 16-bit aesthetics to promote The Mummy, which came out last summer. This is the kind of game project that when it was announced, I legitimately thought The M...[Read More]
“Never split the party.” It’s wisdom handed down from generations of RPG experience, and reinforced in almost every horror movie, and every episode of Scooby Doo. Now upcoming 3D real-time dungeon runner RPG Hyakki Castle has decided to flip that bit of time honored advice on its head, with an entire combat system built around splitting the party. Madness!
Most RPGs fall neatly into one of two categories: fantasy, or science fiction. Maybe a third category for post-apocalyptic wasteland, depending on how the writer in question is doing the categorization. But ELEX, a new action RPG from veteran developer Piranha Bytes, seeks to take all those genres, shove them into a blender, and create a delicious milkshake that will bring all the gamers to the ya...[Read More]
Like an AH-64 Apache screaming over a ridge to surprise a tank convoy, rotor-sim Heliborne has launched out of Steam Early Access and into full release. The inaugural game from developer JetCat Games, Heliborne covers fifty American and Russian/USSR helicopters over the past seventy years.
Toxic Games, developer of first-person puzzler (FPP?) Q.U.B.E. and upcoming sequel Q.U.B.E. 2 released a gameplay trailer featuring much of the demo that has been playable at recent gaming conventions such as PAX West, Gamescon, and EGX.
There were quite a few brand new IPs being presented at PAX West this year, but not many from the bigger studios. Most of them had new titles of their popular IPs, but THQ Nordic had something entirely new at their booth, Biomutant. While I was scheduling my appointments for PAX this trailer came up in my email. . .
The Total War series has always been a series that has been on my radar, appealing to my interest in games like Civilization, Age of Empires, and Warcraft. Though still very much about war, it seemed like they were on a smaller scale in terms of the world, but a bigger scale when it came to the battles. This approach seemed to allow for being able to dig deeper into the conflict, resulting in a mu...[Read More]
Alright, so I have been obsessively thinking about Monster Hunter World ever since its announcement. Did I mention that I cried at the reveal, tears of pure joy? I probably did, it was a big moment for me. Anyways, with some of the year’s last gaming conventions coming to an end, a plethora of new information has been revealed about this title. Here are five awesome new things in Monster Hun...[Read More]
We really enjoyed our time earlier this year with space combat/roguelike game Everspace. Now developer Rockfish Games has announced a major expansion, featuring new content, more story, and and a 4k visual upgrade for Xbox One X owners!
Adorable platforming? Space travel? Mustache twirling nemesis? A Hat in Time has the kind of description that oozes of a simpler time in gaming. Inspired by Gamecube-era platformers, A Hat in Time brings all that nostalgia into a new title, one that was successfully funded via Kickstarter.
For the past few years, Monster Hunter fans have mostly had to make their hunts on the 3DS. They are amazing games and they really push the 3DS to create some of the best titles on the system. I doubt I’m alone in the desire for a new console release of this dinosaur toppling, dragon capturing, weapon crafting grindfest of a franchise. Then Monster Hunter World was announced and it looked like it ...[Read More]
At a time when the Cyberpunk genre is starting to make a comeback, especially when early reviews of Blade Runner 2049 are praising the lofty sequel to a cult classic, Ruiner arrives at the perfect moment. Developed by Reikon Games and published by the twisted minds of Devolver Digital, Ruiner is a top down action game that requires frantic decision making in a broken world that needs change.