EA Releases Need for Speed: Payback Welcome to Fortune Valley Trailer

Less than two months away from launch, EA drops a new trailer for the latest in the Need for Speed franchise. Welcome to Fortune Valley showcases many of the open world features of the upcoming title, along with just some of the variety of cars that will be found in the game.

King of Cards – A Shovel Knight Expansion Preview

While I missed out on traveling to Seattle for PAX West, I did get an awesome gesture by being given access to the King of Cards demo that was being played there. It’s the pleasure of the newest experiences in gaming from the comfort of my home!

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine Hands-On

In booking my appointments and looking at everything PAX West was going to offer, there was one title that stood out to me from the beginning. As soon as I watched the trailer for Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, I knew it was going to be something special. It had this folk-lore feeling about it, featured some great music, and had an appealing rustic art style. I had to play it.

Divinity: Original Sin II – PAX West 2017 Preview

As stated in other reviews and articles I’ve written, I’m a big fan of the classic dungeon crawler RPGs. Games like Baldur’s Gate, Ice Wind Dale, Diablo, and plenty of others are just a few of my favorites. That feeling of running through adventures and stories; it genuinely feels like the developers had taken some of my favorite fantasy novels and brought them to life. Epic story, adventure, and ...[Read More]

Dontnod Delays Their Upcoming Action RPG Vampyr

Life is Strange Developer announced that Vampyr will now be released in Spring of 2018. The original release date for Dontnod’s upcoming Gothic action RPG was originally slated for a late 2017 release date. For polish and quality reasons, Dontnod has decided to delay the title to give us the best possible product they can give us.

Square Enix Collective Releases Anime Adventure Game Tokyo Dark on Steam

This one’s been a long time coming. Originally Kickstarted in May 2015, Cherrimochi’s Tokyo Dark is out now on Steam! Featuring an anime art style and a dark take on the point-and-click adventure genre, Tokyo Dark promises a unique spin on what has generally been a more light-hearted genre.

Gearbox Teases More Information On Borderlands 3

At PAX West this past weekend, Gearbox held their usual panel. In the presentation, CEO Randy Pitchford shed some more light on the unannounced-yet-pretty-much-announced Borderlands 3. Fans like myself have been aching to get an announcement on the new sequel, but Gearbox has stayed pretty quiet about it, with the exception of little hints here and there. I attended the PAX East Panel this past Ma...[Read More]

Songbringer Launches on PC/Xbox One, PS4 Soon

A couple years ago, I was working for Giga Geek Magazine as a volunteer writer, scraping together stories from anywhere I could get them. In those early days, as the site itself was still fairly new, there were just a few games that would even give me the time of day. Songbringer was one of those games. Songbringer is an action adventure game akin to the top-down Zelda titles, but with a randomize...[Read More]

Beta Keys Giveaway for Digital Extreme’s The Amazing Eternals

Marooners’ Rock just got a ton of keys for the upcoming beta of The Amazing Eternals. From Digital Extremes, the creators of the free-to-play Warframe, Amazing Eternal is a strategic first-person team-based shooter. Like the popular Warframe, Amazing Eternal will also be a free-to-play game. Before it’s release, however, there will be a closed beta for players to get a taste of what...[Read More]

Gamescom 2017: Ubisoft’s The Crew 2 Gets Release Date

Today at Gamescom, Ubisoft announced a release date for The Crew 2, along with a variety of pre-order offers. Also released was a multi-vehicle gameplay trailer, and some additional details for how integrating cars, motorcycles, boats, and planes is going to work out.

Microsoft Announces Age of Empires IV

It’s back! After more than twelve years, a new Age of Empires game is coming! Today, Microsoft announced that Relic Entertainment, developers of the Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War RTS series, will be working on bringing Age of Empires IV to PCs!

Planet of the Apes: Last Fronter – Video Game Tie-in Revealed

Well, apparently we are getting a video game based on the Planet of the Apes series. Did anyone really ask for this? Not really, but after watching the trailer and a few minutes of gameplay, I can’t say I’m not a little excited. Lead actor Andy Serkis had let us know that there would be a video game tie-in before War for the Planet of the Apes came out. From what it looks like, this ga...[Read More]

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