NASCAR Heat 2 First Official Gameplay Trailer Released

It’s not the green flag yet, but you could call this the qualifying laps: the first gameplay trailer for NASCAR Heat 2 has been released by 704Games! The trailer shows off the variety of tracks and cars that players can expect, while also calling out some of the major multiplayer features.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Fully Backed on Kickstarter

Owlcat Games projected game Pathfinder: Kingmaker is based on the tabletop roleplaying game Pathfinder by Paizo. The story is based on an already published campaign of the same name, will be written by RPG veteran Chris Avellone, and will feature recognizable locations and characters from that campaign and the Pathfinder universe. The game follows in the spirit of games like Baldur’s Gate, Divinit...[Read More]

E3 2017 – Seven: The Days Long Gone – Much More Than Meets The Eye

Seven: Days Long Gone was a bit of a surprise to me when I got the chance to see it back at E3. When I was told it was an isometric open world RPG, I was a slightly skeptical as isometric open world doesn’t seem ideal. Luckily, I was proven wrong once I got to see what exactly developers IMGN.PRO were actually trying to achieve. Now what I ended up seeing was still part of the pre-beta, so we stil...[Read More]

MXGP3 – The Official Motocross Videogame Hits PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Time to get dirty! MXGP3 – The Official Motocross Videogame gets the green flag on June 20, 2017 to bring some serious off-road dirt bike action to consoles and PCs. There aren’t a lot of motorcycle racing games around (there aren’t even a lot of recent racing games outside of The Crew that even include motorcycles) so it’s always nice to see a new two-wheeled contender join the ranks.

E3 2017: Middle Earth: Shadow of War – Extremely Ambitious Sequel

At this past E3, WB Games and Monolith made a lot of effort to showcase as much as they could for the upcoming Shadow of War, the sequel to the surprise hit that was Shadow of Mordor. The original game was adored for it’s tight and brutal combat system, but the real praise came from its now revolutionary Nemesis System. At the time, we hadn’t seen anything like it in a AAA ¬action title. Upon firs...[Read More]

E3 2017: Call of Cthulhu – May Be The Lovecraftian Game Fans Have Always Wanted

I got the opportunity to sit in a live demo of the upcoming Call of Cthulhu from developer Cyanide. Up until now, we had not gotten much information on how the game plays, rather we got some eerie and terrifying trailers showcasing the dark nature of the HP Lovecraft universe. I was initially under the impression that this was going to be just an interactive murder mystery, but luckily, we are get...[Read More]

Wildfire Preview – Burning my Fingers

Stealth games have come a long in way in the last thirty years. From single maps to huge open world settings. Originality is key to new entries into the genre and that is where Wildfire by Sneaky Bastards comes into play.

Hitman and the Future of IO Interactive

After several months of wondering what exactly will happen to the iconic assassin, IO Interactive have just recently concluded negotiations with Square Enix. While many assumed Hitman would stay with Square Enix, myself included, IO Interactive are officially the full owners of the rights to the Hitman franchise. From this moment forward, IO Interactive is an independent studio.

E3 2017: Vampyr Preview – Darkness Seeped with Consequences

A couple weeks ago we got a stylish and cinematic trailer for an upcoming game titled Vampyr (not sure if it is pronounced normally or “vamp-eer”). Life is Strange developer Dontnod Entertainment looks to once again make vampires cool with this new action RPG taking place in 1918 London during the Spanish Flu epidemic. After a good half hour demo presented to us at E3 this week, Vampyr looks to ad...[Read More]

Licensed Games are Getting Better

Throughout my early gaming days, anything made from a movie, comic book, or otherwise popular franchise outside of gaming was usually a recipe for disaster. However, there has been a recent upswing in quality with titles made with intellectual licenses. Sure, its still not perfect, but licensed games are getting better.

Disney Supposedly had Artists make Capcom Roster Ugly

There has been a few complaints flying around the internet about the weird looking character models in Marvel VS Capcom Infinite, a sequel to a game with extremely stylish presentation. Originally, I was under the impression these characters would look better in motion. However, a recent post from a supposed ex-employee of Capcom says otherwise on Reddit. Now, before I dive any more into this subj...[Read More]

The Crew 2 Open World Racing Announced at E3

Among their slate of new games announced at 2017’s E3, Ubisoft introduced The Crew 2, sequel to 2015’s The Crew. Featuring a fully redesigned map of the United States, The Crew 2 builds on the experiences of the first game, while adding boats and aircraft to the mix of cars, motorcycles, and trucks.

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