Video Games

Hands On with Pit People

It’s that time again! The Behemoth hype train has rolled into the station.  In typical, but exciting fashion, I arrive and my appointment to play Game 4 is on an oversized arcade cabinet. Game 4 is the newest untitled game (Now titled Pit People) from The Behemoth and is a turn based strategy game on a hexagonal grid. The open world map uses a fog of war system(clouds) that moves around so that yo...[Read More]

Destiny: The Taken King E3 Impressions

If you had told me before E3 that I would be even more excited to play Destiny than I am now I would have called you crazy. I came in pretty late, in between The Dark Below and The House of Wolves, so I missed out on a lot of the early game. That said, Destiny has capture my heart. It’s not perfect, not by a long shot, but it was something new in an environment filled with different shades o...[Read More]

Little Orbit Brings 4 New Games To E3 2015

Now that the dust is settling after E3 2015, it is time to take stock of the many games you may have missed! Little Orbit studios has a slew of licensed titles upcoming, following up on such popular titles as Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom and Young Justice: Legacy. Here is a list of some of their releases you can expect to see in the coming year. First up is a new Adventure Ti...[Read More]

Killing Floor 2 Impressions

Killing Floor originated as an Unreal 2004 mod in 2005. Four years later, Georgia-based Tripwire Entertainment created a stand-alone retail version of the FPS game. Six years after that, a sequel was born: Killing Floor 2.

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