The Bell Tolls For Thee In Paragon With New Update

Epic Games’ smash hit MOBA Paragon for the PC and PS4 released a new update this past Tuesday. Paragon is Epic’s third person 5v5 MOBA with high aspirations. (and a beautifully gritty art style to boot) They are holding up to their promise of new heroes every three weeks; the first one being an homage to the grim reaper himself with a giant hammer, Sevarog.

Youtubers Take on Athletes in DAY OF DOOM

There’s something magical that happens when you put charismatic gamers in a competitive setting. This is made even better when its two groups that have been known to rarely get along. Athletes and gamers often have a friction between them, especially in the school setting, but now they are teaming up to see who is the best at Doom Multiplayer.

Mount Up With Gryphon Knight, Coming Soon To Consoles

Gryphon Knight Epic launched back in July of 2014 as a Kickstarter project on PC. Very quickly, it captured its goal and even captured many players’ hearts. Described as “Mega Man and Gradius having a baby,” the title was greeted with many positive reviews on steam. (Currently, Gryphon Knight Epic is rocking a 9/10 on steam.) Next week, the title faces its newest adventure: The c...[Read More]

The Division Has A New “Loot Cave!”

Who doesn’t love hours of grinding for good loot? I’ll admit, I haven’t gotten a chance to play Ubisoft’s newest success yet, but it is on the way to me in the mail. (Soon you will be mine, precious.) However, this does not mean I am not taking notes on how to “git gud” as the kids call it. Also, I spent many hours staring at a hole in Destiny, so I am not afrai...[Read More]

Rock Band DLC For 3/22/2016

Ripping the Band-Aid off for you hardcore rock junkies quick: It’s a Pop Week for DLC. The good news, these are actually really good songs from a few years back. The downside is I get a prediction wrong from a few weeks ago, but I am very happy I got this one wrong. The songs this week are:

Handcuffs and Beavers. Not what you think, it’s Ark’s Newest Xbox One Content!

PC gamers usually get things early. This is normally due to the game being developed for PCs first and then being ported to whatever console. However, the developers of the popular Dinosaur rodeo sensation are steadily closing that gap between versions with the newest patch on Xbox One. Starting today, Xbox One survivors can tame giant beavers and the chocobo-like Terror Bird.

Ni No Kuni II Heading to PS4

There has been speculation as to the fate of the Ni No Kuni IP since it launched to great critical acclaim, and fairly strong sales. However, it seemed the series might have been as dead as Oliver’s mom. Thankfully, Bandai Namco announced that the next installment is headed our way, via the PS4. Announced at PSX, Bandai Namco confirmed that both Level-5 and Studio Ghibli are creating another...[Read More]

FREEZE! Want A Powerful Weapon “The Cryolator” Early On In Fallout 4?

There’s no way you missed that big gun in the vault. You know, the one behind that master lock in the overseers office? What if I told you that you can get it within the first hour without spending any points? Well, you can. As with the duplicate video, I will explain and show in a video. Once again you need Dogmeat. Yeah, he has some coding issues, but that’s okay. He’s cute. On...[Read More]

Fallout 4 Glitch Has Us Seeing Double

Or triple. Or 100s. However many times you want to do it determines that. Using the trusty furry companion, you can multiply almost any item in the game as much as you would like. This glitch is accessible early in the game. The video will go into greater details, but I will give you barebones. What you must do is drop the item and then send your dog to an area away from your immediate area. Then,...[Read More]

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