The Dark Knight Rises, easily one of the most anticipated films of the summer, is now out. So, does it just rise, or does the Dark Knight soar? Before I go any farther, I want to send my condolences out to the victims of the shooting in Colorado. What happened was a cowardly act by a clearly deranged person to people who simply wanted to have a good time at the movies.
When Sony announced that they’d reboot Marvel’s biggest film franchise (at least, Marvel’s biggest film franchise before The Avengers came out), fans were divided. Some thought it was a cheap cash-in, and have hoped for its failure so that the rights would revert to Marvel in order for it to be tied to the Avengers. Others have hoped for a film closer to their idea of Spidey as o...[Read More]
I got my hands on an early review copy of the upcoming anime series Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, and let me tell you, I was blown away. Still to this moment, when I think about the entire series, I picture it as an absolutely perfect show for Adult Swim, if it ever gets the chance. Trust me when I say that viewers new to the series will drop their jaws. The series is vulgar, naughty, dirt...[Read More]
As I’ve said before, video game movies can be pretty rough. At times, a movie based on a video game may have a terribly translated story, while at other times, it can cross over from one medium to the other beautifully. This time, we’re looking at Tales of Vesperia, a well known Xbox 360 RPG that I’ve played in the past. The movie version, Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike, doe...[Read More]
When it comes to cartoons, I’m never too old to sit down for a few hours and watch some of the classics I grew up with, like Pokemon, Digimon, Dragon Ball Z, and more. Today marks the release of a new cartoon on the Hub Network, titled Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters. Now, when I first heard of it, I immediately thought of Yu-Gi-Oh. I was lucky enough to get an advance viewing of the first...[Read More]
When it comes to the Dragon Age Universe, I’ll admit that I never really got too into the video games. After watching Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker, an animated movie from FUNimation and BioWare releasing Tuesday, May 29th, I have a feeling that’s going to change. When I first heard about this movie, I was really interested in seeing how it turned out, in spite of my lack of experienc...[Read More]
Dragon Ball Z is nothing short of a cultural phenomenon. I first experienced it in high school, but if I had been of an elementary school age, I can guarantee that along with pretending to be superheroes and G.I. Joes on the playground during recess, we would have thrown in the Z Fighters. I’d have run around that playground shouting Kamehameha and arguing the effects of my attacks until I w...[Read More]
I moved to California during the summer of 1997, the summer immediately prior to my freshman year of high school. My bedroom was pretty awesome back then, with a built in corner desk for my computer, and a great entertainment area for my TV and consoles. Some of my fondest memories in that room happened when everyone else was asleep, and the lights were off. Yes, a young teenager, alone in a dark ...[Read More]
Let’s say one day people start dying for no real reason at all in a city you’ve lived in for quite some time. It ranges from friends, other families, a few new people in town, and maybe even other towns nearby. What would you do? Is this an epidemic, or is it something else? Would you stay in the area or leave right away? I recently finished the entire series of the anime Shiki, and boy do I have ...[Read More]
What would it be like if an alien came to our world and you were the first to meet it? Now I have another question…what if it looked just like a human, yet it had cat ears and a tail and was VERY sexy? Of course, this would be any nerd’s fantasy since, let’s face it, who wouldn’t want a girl in cosplay? Lately I’ve been watching the new series Cat Planet Cuties, and I can say I’ve been...[Read More]
When some friends of mine first told me about Black Butler, I watched a few episodes. Now, it’s been a long time since I watched those first few episodes, so I didn’t remember the series much, other than the butler and the kid he’s tasked with watching over. One thing you’ll discover is that he’s one hell of a butler. If things weren’t going your way, your famil...[Read More]