Movies & TV

Anime Review: The Legend of Legendary Heroes

When it comes to being in an adventure, everyone wants to be the hero, right? I mean, who wouldn’t want to plan out a grand adventure, kill some bad guys, and save the day? But what if your hero had the power to kill everyone, and you tried your best to keep that power from awakening? That’s what we seem to have here in the anime series The Legend of Legendary Heroes. I wouldn’t say it’s bad to ha...[Read More]

Review: The Avengers

AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! So, how do I non-spoiler talk about this movie? It’s hard to say. Basically, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) returns to claim the Tesseract cube (the plot device from Captain America: The First Avenger) and ends up forcing Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to bring together Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), ...[Read More]

Anime Review: Sands of Destruction

When I first heard of the FUNimation anime title Sands of Destruction, I thought to myself, “This will be an interesting series to watch.” Little did I know that the anime is based on a 2010 Nintendo DS role-playing game published by SEGA. Now, we’ve grown used to many movie adaptations of video games, and video game adaptations of movies, that almost always end up sucking. With that s...[Read More]

Anime Review: Guyver The Bioboosted Armor

My path into anime and manga fandom was a very twisty one. But if there was one that I had to say was my major push into it, it’d be Yoshiki Takaya’s comic Kyoshoku Soko Guyver or Bio-booter Armor Guyver. This long running comic series (started in 1985 and still ongoing) was a love letter to classic Japanese live action transforming heroes like Kamen Rider and Kikaider, capturing all t...[Read More]

Review: The Simpsons Arcade (XBLA)

I was a child of the arcades. I would spend my time and money gladly and without hesitation at any one of a number of arcades on any one of a number of cabinets. X-Men, Gauntlet, Time Crisis, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more have all played their part in draining me of the limited funds I had in my childhood. One of the games most responsible for my lack of cold hard coinage in my youth was ...[Read More]

Review: FullMetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos

It’s always hard to do a review of an anime movie that’s based on a TV series. These kinds of film tend to work as continuations of the shows they’re based on, and make it difficult to judge it on its own merit for people who may not know what’s going on. FullMetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (released by Funimation and animated by Studio Bones) doesn’t try to...[Read More]

Review: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Here lately, I have seen few movies featuring a sophisticated plot. Most of the time, the plot can be summed up in around five words, but to try and sum up the plot for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo‘s with “Two people solve a crime,” however, would in itself be a crime. Steig Larsson succeeded in weaving an intricate web that could entice any fly and David Fincher has succeeded...[Read More]

Review: Soft Kitty Singing Plush

Can you sing Soft Kitty? The catchy tune that Sheldon’s mother, and later, Sheldon’s neighbor Penny, would sing to him when he was sick has become yet another in a long line of memorable sitcom songs based on cats, following in the august footsteps of Friends’ quirky ditty, “Smelly Cat,” and…well, there’s probably another weird song about cats from another...[Read More]

Review: The Muppets

It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights. It’s time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight. It’s time to put on makeup, it’s time to dress up right. It’s time to raise the curtain on the Muppet Show tonight. If you’ve ever been a fan of the Muppets, hearing this song and seeing this sequence will be just one in a long line of wond...[Read More]

Review: The Batman vs. Dracula

Yes! Oh Heck Yes!

Review: Conan the Barbarian

“I live, I love, I slay, and I am content.” So says our barbarian hero during this newest film adaption. And really, that kind of sums up the appeal of the new film, as well as how well it keeps to the source material.

Review: Cowboys and Aliens (Movie)

Oh yeah, I remember playing this game when I was five!

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