Movies & TV

Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two (Movie)

After ten years, it ends. If that sentence doesn’t choke you up at least a little bit or get the eyes slightly damp, this movie isn’t for you.

Review: Green Lantern

There are times when I become horribly confused as to what the majority of critics are thinking. This is one of those times.

Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

More like Pirates of the Meh-ribbean, am I right?

Review: Street Fighter II the anime movie

It almost sounds like a bad joke. I mean, can you name one movie based on a video game that truly captured everything that made that game loved enough that people would want to see a film based on it? And with Capcom’s popular Street Fighter franchise, the joke just seems worse. We’ve had two Hollywood films come out that completely missed the point of the game (I prefer the one with J...[Read More]

Review: The Simpsons’ “The Real Housewives of Fat Tony”

In this week’s episode, Marge’s sister Selma gets married, Bart finds a hidden talent, and the Jersey Shore is parodied. The result is a tired, out of sync episode, where the jokes are forced and the plot is boring.

WonderCon 2011 exclusive: Green Lantern Emerald Knights review

Sometimes, the universe is good to me. Take the night at WonderCon this year when this made its world premier. One of the things that Warner Bros. has done well is their DC Universe animated films. This year’s media storm featuring Hal Jordan and his ring-slinging friends means lots of decent tie-ins, like comics, games, toys and this little number. Green Lantern: Emerald Knights is yet anot...[Read More]

Review: The Simpsons’ “The Great Simpsina”

This week’s episode was one of my favorites of the season. It had all the things that make a Simpsons episode great, it was funny, had great guest appearances and had sentimentality to make the story meaningful.

Review: The Simpsons’ “Love is a Many Strangled Thing”

Will Homer finally stop his strangling ways?

Review: Sucker Punch (Movie)

What the f*@& did I just watch…

Review: The Simpsons’ “A Midsummer’s Nice Dream”

A vast improvement over last week's episode.

Review: The Simpsons’ “The Scorpion’s Tale”

This week’s Simpsons offering was pretty ho hum. Unlike the past few episodes, where some great jokes saved some bland plots, “The Scorpion’s Tale” was short on laughs, and ultimately was a forgettable experience.

Review: The Simpsons’ “Angry Dad: The Movie”

This week’s episode brought back Bart’s Angry Dad franchise and transformed it into movie format. The episode had a fun story, good gags and nice guest appearances.

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