Movies & TV

Review: The Simpsons’ “The Blue and the Gray”

Happy Valentine's Day! from The Simpsons

Review: Spartacus: Gods of the Arena “Missio”

Last weeks Spartacus episode brought us back to the House of Batiatus, and reunited us with many of the gladiators we’ve grown to love and loathe. In the second episode, titled “Missio,” we go deeper into the Spartacus mythos and see that Quintus is a man who shouldn’t be pissed off.

Review: Big Love “A Seat at the Table”

Last week on Big Love, we saw the beginning of the end. The family is fractured, Bill’s credibility and respect is at an all-time low, and Alby is back and sure to make some waves. What will the latest episode bring us? Read on to find out!

Review: Big Love “Winter”

It’s been 10 long months since we saw Bill Henrickson and his three wives go public about their polygamist lifestyle, and that long break left us wondering what happened to the family and just how great the fallout was. In the first episode of the fifth, and final season, we saw the reactions and how everybody is handling it all.

Review: Solomon Kane

Back when this site was known as World of Meh, I wrote a retrospective of the adaptions of Robert E. Howard’s work. I talked about how they stacked up to their literary counterparts, and basically acted like a big time geek. And now I get to talk about the most recent adaption based on the great writer’s work, his second greatest creation after the legendary Conan. The great Puritan wa...[Read More]

Review: Spartacus: Gods of the Arena “Past Transgressions”

Oh, House of Batiatus, how we’ve missed you so. Ever since the first season of Spartacus: Blood & Sand ended several months ago, I’ve been desperately wanting to return to Capua. Due to the sad news of Spartacus star Andy Whitfield’s cancer, a second season was put on hold. Instead, the writers got crafty and now we have a short prequel season that shows the ludus’ form...[Read More]

Review: The Simpsons’ “Homer, the Father”

Another one to add to the "so-so" pile.

Netflix Review: Chocolate

She's a Special Needs child, with a special need to kick some ass!

Review: Blue Valentine

The other day I had the chance to watch Blue Valentine, the much talked about Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams film. I went into watching the film with high expectations because I had read so much about it already, and I have to say that every article about the movie is spot on. Blue Valentine is one of the most painful movies I’ve had to sit through.

Review: The Simpsons’ “Flaming Moe”

We are blessed with a great episode.

Review: Season of The Witch

You know what I learned from this movie? Witches are boring.

Review: The Simpsons’ “Moms I’d Like to Forget”

The first show of the new year has mixed results.

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