Movies & TV

Review: True Grit

I love westerns. I love the Coen brothers. That's why I had such high expectations for True Grit, the remake of the John Wayne classic. Well, all my expectations were answered, and True Grit was my favorite movie of the year.

Review: Black Swan

As a longtime fan of director Darren Aronofsky’s work, I was really looking forward to Black Swan. To this day I’m a firm believer that high school classes should be shown Requiem for a Dream when they have to sit through “drug awareness week” because that film is a real eye opener. Like all of Aronofsky’s films, Black Swan is beautifully done. It’s filled with ...[Read More]

Movie Review: Tron Legacy

It’s like as though a bag of Skittles jumped into a can of Amp and had some Pixy Stix stirred into it and was then thrown into your eyes with a neon covered catapult. In other words, eye candy.

Review: The Simpsons’ “Donnie Fatso”

The Simpsons miss a great opportunity to end the year on a high note.

Dexter Season 5 Finale Impressions

First off, if you haven’t watched season 5 of Dexter then stop reading. There will be spoilers. Instead, go read the Assassin’s Creed:Brotherhood review or the review for Bakery Story for the iPhone. Savvy mate? Alright, if you have seen then let us continue. Last night was the season finale to Dexter’s fifth season and, in my honest opinion, I found it to be rather disappointing...[Read More]

Review: The Walking Dead “TS-19?

The first season of The Walking Dead ends with a bang.

Review: The Simpsons “The Fight Before Christmas”

The Simpsons give us an early Christmas present.

The Walking Dead: Wildfire Review

For most of this episode, not much happens. Then… the ending. Oh man. Dat ending…

Review: The Simpsons’ “How Munched is That Birdie in the Window”

This season falters for the first time.

Smallville Season 10 – Patriot – Review

This week, superheroes are having to deal with the government cracking down, and a familiar fellow hero shows up to help.

Robert E. Howard: A look at the Adaptions of the Father of Sword and Sorcery

Interesting fact about me: I’m a writer. I have one completed novel I’m trying to find an agent for, and I’m working on the second one as well. I’ve also collected a few short stories to release as an anthology on the Amazon Kindle called Wandering Djinn. And the one question that every writer will inevitably be asked is “Who are your influences?” A lot of write...[Read More]

The Walking Dead: Vatos Review

With a much stronger focus on the tension and horror of the situation our survivors find themselves in, this week’s episode is the polar opposite of last week’s in everything but quality. In that category, this episode might just surpass it.

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