Movies & TV

Review: The Simpsons’ “The Fool Monty”

The season continues its streak of enjoyable episodes.

Review – Smallville Season 10 – “Abandoned”

Pro tip: Granny Goodness isn't as nice as her name implies.

Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Thanks to Twitter (@JoeyZambrano, specifically), Lindsey and I managed to get our hands on six passes (two of which were used for Lindsey and myself, of course, while the other four were given to our friends Chris, Kelly, Lianne, and Lee) for an advanced screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 last night. Now, if you’ve been a long-time reader, you may remember the excitemen...[Read More]

The Walking Dead: Tell It To The Frogs Review

Would you believe that in a show about zombies the best episode so far has been one where there aren’t very many zombies?

The Walking Dead: Guts Review

Last week we had the world of Walking Dead introduced to us. We met the police officer who woke up to a broken world filled with the living dead. We saw a little bit of what the survivors had to go through in the suburbs. Now, as the second episode takes us on a trip through the big city, we find out if The Walking Dead is going to be a one hit wonder. Will it keep running strong or will it stop d...[Read More]

Review – Smallville Season 10 Episode 6 – Harvest

The dynamics between Lois and Clark will never be the same, and the plot hole of a missing villain starts getting filled in earnest.

The Walking Dead: Days Gone Bye Review

AMC’s new TV series may just make zombies scary again.

Saw 3D Review: And The Pain Comes To An End

Oh man. Oh man guys. I don’t even know where to start on this thing.

Review – Smallville Season 10: Isis

Ancient Egyptian Goddesses possessing people? Just another Friday in Metropolis. Who's ready for the weekend?

Paranormal Activity 2 Review

Will the camera be the only thing shaking during this movie?

Review – Smallville Season 10: Homecoming

A trip down memory lane and a look to the future serve to form a memorable episode with some sentimental moments.

Review – Smallville Season 10: Supergirl

Supergirl makes her return appearance to help keep our emo-fied 'Blur' out of danger's way.

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