Movies & TV

Review – The Social Network

Regardless of how many friends Mark Zuckerberg may or may not have, this movie ought to find just as many.

Review – Smallville Season 10: Shield

Smallville's second episode of Season 10 is, thankfully, injected with more of what has kept the show interesting for this long and further sets up the events that will see us to the end of its story.

Review – Smallville Season 10: Lazarus

And now...The Final Season of Smallville. But how is it shaping up based on the 10th Season's opener?

Weeds “Bliss” Review

I’ve been away. There’s been three episodes of Weeds that have aired during that little hiatus. This is the second of those three episodes to bring us back to pace to where we are in the highly enjoyable season 6.

Weeds “A Yippity Sippity” Review

I’ve been away. There’s been three episodes of Weeds that have aired during that little hiatus. This is the first of those three episodes to bring us back to pace to where we are in the highly enjoyable season 6.

Premiere: Criminal Minds “The Longest Night”

I commented yesterday about how I didn’t feel House, M.D.’s season premier was “premier worthy”. Well, if you didn’t know what I meant – watch this show!

Premier: House, M.D. “Now What?”

Last season ended with Dr. House and Dr. Cuddy holding hands and exploring the possibilities of a relationship hours after Dr. House lost a patient he was forming a bond with. The season premier was no different! (For the stragglers who haven’t seen the full episode yet, there aren’t really any spoilers. So you can enjoy, too!)

Futurama Season 6 Review

I’ve stopped doing Futurama reviews a little while back. There’s a specific reason for that.

WCG Ultimate Gamer Season 2 Episode 1 Review

A few days ago I posted an interview with Rachel Quirico, AKA Seltzer, who is a contestant in this seasons WCG Ultimate Gamer. What I haven’t been posting are the episode reviews, so here I am! If you’re unfamiliar with the show, let me try to summarize it for you: gamers across the United States and Canada are selected and then put into a house for weeks where they have no contact wit...[Read More]

Weeds “Felling and Swamping” Review

We now have a direction for the sixth season of Weeds. Silas is our voice of reason to counter act Nancy, who is about to snap at any given moment. Andy is the guide for the Botwin, oh wait I’m sorry, the Newman exodus away from Ren Mar. Then there’s Shane…who’s intriguing and bland at the same time. I’ll get into that later, but for now you need to know this: somethi...[Read More]

2nd Opinion Review: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

A take on the movie from a fan of the book series. If you didn't give the film a chance last weekend, there's still time to correct your mistake!

The Expendables: The manliest movie ever made

The Expendables is every single 80’s action movie ever made rolled up into one testosterone packed movie.

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