A World of Keflings comes out in two days, so I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’m reviewing A Kingdom for Keflings, a game that has been out on XBLA for a little over two years. Well, the answer is rather simple. We don’t have a review for A Kingdom for Keflings on the site (shocking, I know), and it seriously deserves some love.
It’s like as though a bag of Skittles jumped into a can of Amp and had some Pixy Stix stirred into it and was then thrown into your eyes with a neon covered catapult. In other words, eye candy.
Due to spending a sizable chunk of my days playing the new Sonic Colors for the pending review, I figured this week’s look-back should be of the Blue Blur and his first foray into the realm of 3D platforming. Let’s flashback to September 9, 1999. I just bought my new Sega Dreamcast (possibly the most underrated video game system ever created), and of course, picked up Sonic Adventure. ...[Read More]
I am an experienced time traveler. Unfortunately, triggering my travels through time is beyond my conscious control. I must rely on external factors to throw me into the past. Yesterday, one such external factor threw me back to an arcade in Oklahoma City in the early 1990s. Yesterday, I picked up my Xbox 360 controller and played the Backbone Entertainment’s XBLA release of Konami’s ...[Read More]
Over the past five or so years, there’s been a noticeable move away from the traditional expansion pack; developer’s instead favouring the stripped down, console-friendly, “DLC” approach. This term has often polarized attitudes. Where some are prone to snapping up every dribble of new content, others will stay well clear of so-called ‘needless money-grabbing’. I myself miss the age of the expansio...[Read More]
Bane Games, an indie studio based in Brisbane, Australia, recently released Flick Buddies which is ridiculously awesome. Everything about it, down to the character design, is so fun and so addicting, and if you don’t have this game on your iOS device, do so right now.
Last week I wrote about how a new DASH game would be coming out on the 14th. Well, that day has passed and Soap Opera Dash is available for all to download and enjoy. I had the pleasure to review the game and while it stayed true to the DASH formula, it was different and a ton of fun.
The first time I ever played Ghost Recon was when it came out for the Nintendo GameCube. That game was an absolute blast, and the controller was perfect. My love for Ghost Recon grew as I got into the Xbox versions, but it still wasn’t quite the same as the one for the GameCube. When I heard that a new Ghost Recon was coming out for the Wii, I was excited but at the same time very worried th...[Read More]
The Simpsons miss a great opportunity to end the year on a high note.
Oh, its epic something alright…
The holidays are always an interesting time for people. You meet up with family, learn about different cultures and rituals, do an incredible amount of traveling, and of course, end up delayed in all your affairs (like writing a weekly review). But I’m abnormal from most of the people I know. I prefer Halloween to Christmas. While I love the feeling of goodwill and family that the latter bri...[Read More]
I realize I’ll probably draw some scorn for this, but I never really got into Geometry Wars. There was just something about it that turned me off, and I’m not entirely sure what it was. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was how enemies could spawn anywhere on the screen, instead of coming from a predictable location. I loved the graphics, and I loved the soundtrack, but that just was...[Read More]