
Review – Smallville Season 10: Isis

Ancient Egyptian Goddesses possessing people? Just another Friday in Metropolis. Who's ready for the weekend?

Review – Great White Destroyer (PC)

A happy shark god is a powerful shark god.

Playlist: Last Bullet

With recent reviews of Prince, Queen and Deftones, I thought it was only right we take a step away from mainstream media and, instead, take a step towards supporting local music. Showcasing and supporting local talent is very important to me, so, check out what I thought of a local band!

Review: Vanquish

Vanquish is not the game you play for a deep, thought-provoking, socially-relevant story. Vanquish is the game you play for knock-your-socks-off, blow-your-mind, tear-a-hole-in-the-space-time-continuum entertainment that’s so good it will make you want to slap your mama. Don’t get me wrong, a great story is always welcome; but to me, it is always secondary to gameplay. Where was the st...[Read More]

Review: Dead Rising 2 (PC)

Yep, another zombie game has hit a store near you. We’ve been there from the start. World of Meh writers have told you about Dead Rising 2: Case Zero when it was announced, we delivered all the details from Gamescon, told everyone about the High Stakes edition, and even the launch trailer! Now, we’re giving you a review of the game, too! Aren’t we sweet?

Spider-Man: Torment, 20 years later

20 years ago, Todd McFarlane, comic artist extraordinaire, was given an amazing opportunity: to not just draw, but write his own Spider-Man book. The comic, simply titled Spider-Man, was designed as a book to sell trade paperbacks. Back then, comics that filled a whole book with one storyline was a rarity. So the question is, does Torment, the debut story of the comic, hold up two decades afterwar...[Read More]

Review: Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water’s Edge (PC)

Almost two months ago I played my first Nancy Drew game, Secrets Can Kill. With that being the first true exposure I had to the Nancy Drew franchise, I had no idea that I would enjoy it as much as I did. With Shadow at the Water’s Edge, I unfortunately can’t say the same.

Paranormal Activity 2 Review

Will the camera be the only thing shaking during this movie?

Review: The Institute, A Becky Brogan Adventure (PC)

When you think of MumboJumbo Games, the last thing you’d think of is creepy. The Institute, a Becky Brogan Adventure is not only creepy, but perfect for this upcoming Halloween.

Reviews: Railroad Racer 3D & Grumps (iOS)

For the past week or so, I’ve been playing two games on and off: Grumps and Railroad Racer 3D. Both are Indie titles, but they couldn’t be more different even if they tried.

Review: Civilization V

Albert Einstein commented once that civilization would not be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two-thirds of the people of the earth would be killed. As I recall, only one-fifth of the planetary population died when I launched my nuclear ordinance into the heart of the Greek Empire. So much for Einstein.

Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (iOS)

With over a decade and a half between games, has Sonic returned to form?

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