Tabletop Games

E3 2023 Will Be Organized by ReedPop

Over the last three years, the fate of E3 has been in question. In the last decade, E3 has seen its fair share of controversy; between opening the event to the public, doxing press members and guests, Sony pulling out, and the Dr. Disrespect controversy, many have lost faith in the Entertainment Software Association (ESA). Because of this, it was rumored that different exhibitors would pull out of...[Read More]

Snowed In? “Alexa, Order Utter Nonsense!”

Snow days, and even regular school holidays can be tough when it’s just too cold to tell the kids to go play outside. Coming out of Christmas vacation and my family’s first annual Tabletop Gaming Championship, I know from personal experience that there’s only so many rounds of Uno and Sorry that one can go through before taking to the internet to see if there’s any family g...[Read More]

One Shot podcast is tabletop Roleplaying at its finest

Roleplaying has always been present in my life in some form, starting with simply running around in the woods slashing at enemies (trees) with my sword (stick). Supported by my allies, the Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, and the Sesame Street crew, I was unstoppable. Of course as I grew older my roleplaying became much more structured, and involved more people. My friends and I would create a settin...[Read More]

Review: Star Wars: Age of Rebellion (Tabletop RPG)

It wasn’t until a couple years ago that my long interest in tabletop rpgs was fulfilled when a friend of mine invited me to his weekly Dungeons and Dragons group. The weekly sessions have become something that I look forward to every week. I recently started looking into other systems and worlds mostly just out of curiosity, then I came across Fantasy Flight Games’ recently released Star Wars syst...[Read More]

Review: Nuts! (Card Game)

Nuts! is a simple and fast paced card game from Wildfire Games. If polishing your nuts or chasing tail interests you, read on! The rules are simple. The first person to get 20 nut points wins. There are five types of cards that will help you get there.

Review: Pirate Fluxx (Card Game)

My only experience with the Fluxx franchise was playing Zombie Fluxx at an airport with some people I had met at Penny Arcade expo. I had a lot of fun in that short amount of time and was very excited to try this new set. There is a new type of card included in this set to change things up a bit. The “Surprise!” cards can be played during your turn to have one effect or during another player’s tur...[Read More]

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