Video Games

Review: Disgaea 4 (PS3)

Disgaea…the name brings up horror stories from my friends telling me about this series that will eat your soul and steal all your time away from you. I never believed them, thinking they were over exaggerating the extent and vast amounts of battles within the game. Up until a few weeks ago, I never played a Disgaea game. Starting with 4 was a challenge in and of itself to be honest. Weirdly ...[Read More]

Review: Batman: Arkham City (PS3)

This is it, the main reason I started Batman-month. This is the most anticipated game of the year, and does Rocksteady deliver? Oh yeah.

Review: Dance Central 2 (Kinect)

I’ve got moves. You may hear otherwise from certain parties, but that’s just sheer jealousy and envy talking. My moves are mad dope fly, yo, and anyone who steps to me best be ready to get served, old school. I’ve got moves like Jagger. I’m too legit to quit. You ready to step up? Well, bring it on! It’s time for Dance Central 2: Electric Boogaloo, and my moves are so...[Read More]

Review: Tritton Detonator (360)

I am the kind of person who appreciates a good headset, especially during the peak of my work year. During the busiest time of the year for my job, I generally have to be out of bed by 5:30 in the morning so that I can get to work by 6:30. I must be quiet as a doormouse to keep from waking my wife, who generally tends to wake up grumpy (sorry, love). On occasion, I get “sick,” and have...[Read More]

Review: Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Trilogy HD (PSN)

Sam Fisher is pretty badass. This has been established over the years through his various adventures and exploits. From silently taking out elite forces to doing splits to support his entire body weight above the field of vision of said elite forces, Sam is the kind of guy you would want at your back if things got real. Now, his first three adventures return in a graphically updated HD triple pack...[Read More]

Review: PAYDAY: The Heist (PSN)

When I first learned I would be reviewing Payday: The Heist dreams filled my head of breaking into gas stations to snatch wonderful peanut candies.  While the reality of what I reviewed was not as pleasant and had even less story, it does have some redeeming qualities none-the-less.  But first, the less appealing parts of this download only title.

Review: Just Dance 3 (Kinect)

I am quite the dancing machine. One might even go so far as to say that I am a master…nay, LORD…of dance (just ask my wife, I’m sure she would TOTALLY confirm my claims). I like the nightlife…I like to boogie…in my living room. I have employed my vast dancing skills on various dancing games, and was very excited to hear about Just Dance 3 and the track list. Since wat...[Read More]

Review: Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge (360)

Rugby is a hell of a sport. Whether you like it or not, you can’t help but acknowledge the sheer physical ability and talent that is required for a world-class rugby player. New Zealand based game studio Sidhe, in collaboration with rugby legend Jonah Lomu, have put their passion and effort into creating a game that helps translate the experience of rugby into a virtual world. They succeeded...[Read More]

Review: Dungeon Defenders (XBLA)

Etheria’s heroes have captured the Old Ones within Etheria Cores, preventing them from spreading their evil across the lands. With the kingdom at peace, the adventurers have set off to confront other dangers, leaving their younger siblings behind to guard the realm. Through unfortunate accident, the evil hordes become aware of the Etheria Cores and begin a merciless onslaught bent on freeing...[Read More]

Review: Spider-Man: Edge of Time (PS3)

After last year’s Spidey game, Shattered Dimensions, Activision has decided to let Beenox become the official dev team for their games starring Marvel’s famed webslinger. So, does this game prove the choice as a good one?

Review: Guardian Heroes (XBLA)

Treasure is responsible for some of the greatest genre-defining [insert-type-here]’em-up games I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Radiant Silvergun was sublime. Ikaruga was a sweet, hellish nightmare…in a fantastic way. Before both of those classics became the classics they are, however, there was Guardian Heroes on the SEGA Saturn. Easily the most fun I had on a Saturn, and one ...[Read More]

Review: Space Channel 5 Part 2 (XBLA)

I have very fond memories of Ulala and her dancing heroic antics in the original Space Channel 5. I had never, however, played Space Channel 5 Part 2, which was originally exclusive to the Dreamcast in Japan, until it was re-released on the PlayStation 2. The sequel was generally regarded as superior to its predecessor in terms of graphics, gameplay, game length, and more, but its limited release ...[Read More]

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