Yes, there is a set of new Pokémon games. I'm sure you're shocked to hear this.
Alien Breed 3: Descent, the final chapter of the Alien Breed series, is a fitting end to the trilogy. Although it is a largely mediocre game, it may have something to offer you.
I have fond memories of late nights spent playing Diablo and Diablo II with the only light in my room being provided by my glowing computer screen. Throw in a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos and a giant cup of Dr. Pepper or Pepsi (none of that Coca-Cola crap, thank you very much) and I had myself one hell of a Friday night. Runic Games brought together the mad skillz of Travis Baldree (designer of Fat...[Read More]
iPhone games are a dime a dozen these days. Some are good, but a majority of them are absolutely dreadful. Fortunately for Tatem Games, the team behind RoboSockets, they fall into the good category.
I have a rather odd analogy for you. Trinity is like that game you got for Christmas that you never asked for because who would ask for something like this. It’s the game that your grandma picked up for you because she looked at the box art or saw the title and thought whatever it is that grandma’s think that make them think such random buys is a good idea and so there you go, now you ...[Read More]
About a week ago, I got one of Steam's announcements for a new puzzle-platformer, CreaVures, from Muse Games. As soon as I saw the first moments of the trailer, I knew I was going to buy this game! Imagine my surprise, when I received an email the next day, offering me a chance to review it! Sweeeeeeet!
60 seconds and a bunch of shiny gems become your best friends in Bejeweled Blitz Live, the latest PopCap title to hit Xbox Live Arcade.
Marvel vs. Capcom is a game franchise so well known that all you have to do is merely mention its title and gamers around the globe will begin to tell stories of epic battles and who their favorite characters are. Of course, there are the never-ending discussions about which female character is the hottest (Morrigan FTW), or who is the best at the game, but none of that really matters. MvC 1 &...[Read More]
Run, Smash, Kill, in old school goodness!
I’ve commented enough times about the SNK Neo-Geo and its games being hard. Obscenely hard. And then when you’re a completist like me, fighting games from the Neo-Geo can be a nightmare. They’re tough, and there’s a lot of characters. Hence why King of Fighters ’94 may be the fighter that’s taken me the longest to beat.
Have you ever had a moment where you feel like you walked into something that already started, so you have no idea what is going on? And have you ever experienced something that is so surreal that you don’t care about what you don’t know, because it’s so fun? Welcome to Acceleration of Suguri X Edition!
This review comes to us from one of our readers, Steven Finch. Steven is a friend to two of our staff members, Kyle and Ben, so we’re pleased to feature his work on our site. If you’re interested in submitting an opinion piece or review for Marooners’ Rock, send us an email!