Video Games

Review: Baseball Stars Professional (PSN)

Need to get your baseball fix this offseason?

Review: Fatal Fury (PSN)

Back in the 90’s, SNK came out with a little piece of awesome console called the Neo-Geo. One of the advantages the system had over the competition from Nintendo and Sega was that it was arcade quality. The Neo-Geo arcade units basically were big screens, cupboards and controls with one of these systems in side, allowing the cartridges to be swapped out for different games. And every game yo...[Read More]

Review: Two Worlds II (X360)

Developed by Reality Pump (TopWare Interactive), and released by publisher SouthPeak Games, Two Worlds II is a direct sequel to, you guessed it, the 2007 game, Two Worlds. Before reviewing Two Worlds II, however, I feel that something needs to be made clear; the most I played of the first Two Worlds game was the downloadable demo. This will be important later on.

Review: DC Universe Online (PS3)

I just want to start out by saying that I am not an MMO player. I have never played World of Warcraft. I don’t know how to raid. I am not leetz to your skillz or whatever the deuce you children say. I have tried out a few MMOs and they have all crapped out on me at about a month into it. It just wasn’t interesting for me. So I went into DC Universe Online with some trepidation. I do lo...[Read More]

Review: Alpha Mission II (PSN)

Flying and shooting and dying.

Weekly Retro Review: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

OH DEAR GOD YES! This is it folks! The big one! I’ve been holding this one back for a while, because how do you talk about a game that everyone knows is one of the greatest of all time? Not only did this game become the blueprint for future titles in the Legend of Zelda series, but one of the most influential games in the adventure genre period. Hailed by many as the greatest game ever made,...[Read More]

Review: Naruto Shippuden: Naruto vs. Sasuke (DS)

It seems like anime is everywhere these days. From what once was a niche market for a small group of geeks within geeks, it’s exploded in popularity and you can see its influence in every game store when you browse. And one of the most popular is Masashi Kishimoto’s creation, Naruto. The series has become a juggernaut, with anime, manga, movies and games. And here’s the latest ha...[Read More]

Review: Metal Slug (PSN)

Walk right. Shoot everything.

Review: Chainz Galaxy (PC)

For the past week I’ve been tinkering around with Chainz Galaxy, the latest casual offering from MumboJumbo Games. With colorful graphics, a cute story, and familiar gameplay, I knew immediately I would enjoy the game.

Review: Kinect Sports (X360)

First, there was Wii Sports and stories of people letting go of their controller mid-tennis match and smashing their TVs. Then, PlayStation Move came out with its version, Sports Champions, and we heard the same stories. Well, Xbox’s Kinect takes away that fear by taking away the controllers! All while still providing a great sporting experience!

Review: Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)

The release in 2008 of Media Molecule’s first Little Big Planet warmed the palette and broke the mould of PlayStation 3’s repertoire.

Review: Chainz Galaxy (iPad)

A casual iPad game all about using chains to create a world. No, it’s not an S&M game… how could you think that? The little men in the game look like Jesus. And now they’re mad at you.

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