Video Games

Review: Skylanders Giants (360)

Just over a year ago, Activision released Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure, which went on to become a certifiable cultural phenomenon. The reason for its success was twofold: a great game that could appeal to both adults and kids alike, and (perhaps more importantly) its interaction with physical collectible toys that monetized the game in an incredible way. To put it plainly, it was a game tha...[Read More]

Review: 007 Legends (360)

Who hasn’t grown up dreaming of one day being a spy? Come on, don’t hide it; we’ve all grown up playing secret agent as a kid. If it wasn’t for James Bond, who would dream about it? Now I’m a huge fan of the 007 franchise, including the movies and a few of the games. Recently, a new entry was released from Eurocom and Activision: 007 Legends. I’ve spent quite so...[Read More]

Review: Assassin’s Creed III (PS3/360)

I’m a massive fan of the Assassin’s Creed franchise. My wife may claim that she’s a bigger fan, but I was a fan first, so nyah nyah to her. I fell in love with Assassin’s Creed while playing as Altair, up until the penultimate battle which will forever be ingrained in my memory as complete and utter bullshit. While I still love the first Assassin’s Creed, I could not ...[Read More]

Review: Forza Horizon (360)

When it comes to racing games, they can be very hit or miss with racing fans. In the past, there have been some fantastic racing games, like most of the Burnout franchise, Test Drive Unlimited, Forza, and others. There have also been some awful racing games, as well. Often, it can be a matter of preference (arcade vs. sim). I’ve got a few racing games that just sit on my shelf collecting dus...[Read More]

Review: NiGHTS into dreams (PSN)

Back in the 90’s, as Sega’s Saturn was competing with Sony’s Playstation and Nintendo’s N64, it was rather shocking that there was no major Sonic game exclusive to the system. I mean, the closest we got were Sonic Jam (a combination of re-released Sonic 1 through Knuckles and digital museum celebrating Sonic) and Sonic R (a racer). However, Sonic Team came out with one of t...[Read More]

Review: A World of Keflings – The Curse of the Zombiesaurus DLC (XBLA)

A week has passed since NinjaBee released the Sugar, Spice and Not So Nice DLC for A World of Keflings. Not content to leave another year before a follow-up, The Curse of the Zombiesaurus, A World of Keflings’ third proper DLC, is available today on XBLM. Developed in secret alongside its fellow DLC Theme Contest alumnus, The Curse of the Zombiesaurus brings the Graveyard DLC theme to (forgi...[Read More]

Review: A World of Keflings – Sugar, Spice and Not So Nice DLC (XBLA)

Nearly one year ago, my avatar embarked on a new adventure within the Kefling kindgoms; an adventure of epic sci-fi proportions that introduced new elements to A World of Keflings, and treated me to a veritable plethora (I love using that word) of sci-fi pop culture references. It has been almost a full year since the last A World of Keflings DLC was released. Granted, the recently released Avatar...[Read More]

Review: Borderlands 2 (360)

It’s time to take a trip back to Pandora. You remember your first trip? Roland, Lilith, Brick, and Mordecai searching for the vault with the help of CL4P-TP (more commonly known as Claptrap) put you in the middle of a grand adventure leading to an empty vault. Or so you thought…Something has changed, and now a new set of vault hunters are going to Pandora with the vault in their sights...[Read More]

Review: Dishonored (360)

Recently, it seems to me that each time I gaze at my handsomely bearded face in a mirror, I become more and more unrecognizable. Not because my beard is taking over my face (it needs a bit of a trim), but because I am undergoing a confusing and frightening change. I’m not talking about puberty, either. I’m talking about my growing fascination with, and enjoyment of, stealth gameplay. I...[Read More]

Review: Marvel vs. Capcom Origins (XBLA)

I never thought I’d find myself recommending a Marvel vs. Capcom game again after the burn that was Marvel vs. Capcom 3. The game itself was entertaining and well designed, but the cash-grab actions of Capcom did more to put me off of it than bad mechanics and awful graphics would have done. I then found myself reluctantly recommending Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, though it was what Marvel ...[Read More]

Review: Sonic Adventure 2 (XBLA)

Take a trip back in time with me to the year 2001. Sonic Adventure 2, developed by the Sonic Team, was just released for the SEGA Dreamcast console. Now back to the present, where SEGA has brought Sonic Adventure 2 to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. I spent a lot of time playing Sonic Adventure on my SEGA Dreamcast back in the day, but the most experience I ever had with Sonic Adventure 2 as a dem...[Read More]

Review: Joe Danger 2: The Movie (XBLA)

Have you played Joe Danger? It’s been out for almost a year, come December, and it’s an incredibly fun game for you and your friends to check out and enjoy. For those of you who have played the original, you’ll be pleased to know that Hello Games has developed a sequel, Joe Danger 2: The Movie, now available on Xbox LIVE and available at a later date on the PlayStation Network. S...[Read More]

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