HyperX Cloud Stinger Gaming Headset Review
Hyper X/Kingston has been working on a lot of hardware, which ranges from ram, mice, keyboards and even headsets. At PAX East 2017 I had the chance to check out...[Read More]
Nintendo Switch Console (Launch) Review
First things first, I admit, I was swept up by the hype. Yep, it’s hard not to get excited with how well Nintendo marketed the Switch initially. The first...[Read More]
RapidX Gaming Chair Review
I’ll be honest – DXRacer has the gaming chair market knocked. It knows how to make a versatile, comfortable product, and has various models available for ...[Read More]
Logitech C922 Pro Webcam Review
When it came out in 2012, Logitech’s C920 webcam worked its magic on the market, gathering a number of fans that were looking to simplify their streaming ...[Read More]
In Win 503 Gaming PC Chassis Review
Gaming cases are an important aspect of being a PC Gamer. Bringing a rig to a LAN party or merely having it in the right setup means that a good PC is kept in a...[Read More]
Mimoco Powerbot Review
When I was given the opportunity to review Mimico’s Powerbot charger at PAX East 2016, I jumped at the chance. Who can’t use another portable charger these days...[Read More]
LG G5 Review
As I’m writing this, I’ve been an LG G5 owner for a little over three months. Since I’m not usually one to own a new gadget as soon as it come...[Read More]
LucidSound LS30 Wireless Headset Review
There are so many headset manufacturers on the video game market these days, it’s not even funny. If it’s not Microsoft or Sony making specialized h...[Read More]
VOID Headset Review
There are a lot of gaming headsets on the market these days – a lot of them built with sheer devotion in mind – so you want to make sure you have yours made for...[Read More]
SAGER NP9870-S Review
As of late, I’ve been running into struggles trying to find an ideal gaming laptop that would suit my on-the-go gaming needs. For some strange reason, the...[Read More]