Disneyland Adventures [Xbox One] Review
As someone who grew up in Southern California, Disneyland was a regular thing for me. In fact, I worked at Disneyland for about 5 years. So, when the original K...[Read More]
Dragon Ball FighterZ (Xbox One) Review
Wow, 2017 was an amazing year for fighting games and the fighting game community (FGC). We saw Injustice 2, Tekken 7, and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite launch. We...[Read More]
Hand of Fate 2 (PC) Review
The Dealer is back from the netherworld, ready to challenge anyone brave (or foolish) enough to sit down and play his game. Hand of Fate 2 brings many beloved e...[Read More]
.hack//G.U. Last Recode (PS4) Review
When I was a teen the PS2 was one of my favorite systems, a system filled with tons of games that were fairly cheaper than other games. I was also subscribed to...[Read More]
Dimension Drive (Switch) Review
Bullet hell. Arcade shooters. Shoot-em-ups. All these mean one thing, lots of bullets and usually a high level of difficulty. I’ve always had a fondness for thi...[Read More]
Assassin’s Creed: Origins Review – The Saving Grace Ubisoft Needed
I’ll be the first to admit that I had given up on the Assassin’s Creed series. The last game in the franchise that I actually purchased was Black Flag, which ma...[Read More]
Heliborne (PC) Review
My flight of four helicopters lifted off from the forward firebase almost simultaneously. Comprised of three heavily armed UH-1D Huey gunships and an OH-6A “Loa...[Read More]
Earth Atlantis (Nintendo Switch) Review
The Switch is such a phenomenal platform for indie games right now. Over 7.63 million units have been reported to have been sold, making it one of the fastest g...[Read More]
A Hat in Time (PC) Review – Heckin’ Great
Even though its often considered the lesser of the series, I always had a soft spot for Super Mario Sunshine, aside from the weird insinuations between Peach an...[Read More]