World of Goo (Nintendo Switch) Review
World of Goo has been around for quite some time, being a fairly unique PC game that could run on just about any computer system of the last ten years or so. In...[Read More]
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladio
I will admit, its not often that I even consider doing a full review for downloadable content. However, there’s enough to talk about for this DLC that it ...[Read More]
Vikings – Wolves of Midgard Review
I have always had an affinity for dungeon crawlers, I used to stay up into the late hours playing Diablo on my grandma’s computer and ever since then I was hook...[Read More]
Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition Review
Bulletstorm was a game that I hadn’t heard of back in 2011. I had visited this local gaming store and saw the box art for it and had noticed Epic Games was behi...[Read More]
Yooka-Laylee (Xbox One) Review
In recent years there has been a wave of new games that are preying on the sense of nostalgia. 8-bit graphics, retro difficulty, throwbacks and references to yo...[Read More]
Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch) Review
After spending most of this month obsessing over the latest entry into the massively loved Legend of Zelda series, I can no honestly give my thoughts about Brea...[Read More]
Horizon: Zero Dawn Review – Guerilla Games Nails It On Their First Try
Back at E3 2015, Sony revealed a trailer that showed us a tough female warrior taking on robotic beasts with a bow and arrow. It was an original idea, and it wa...[Read More]
Dad Quest Review
It’s not often that I feel like a game is made specifically for me. However upon hearing just the name Dad Quest I knew I had to play it. As a dad with a youtub...[Read More]
Gears of War 4 Review
There comes a time in every franchise’s life where the creators must decide if the product should remain the same and become obsolete or create a newer ve...[Read More]
Fairy Fencer F Dark Advent Force (Steam) Review
With the way games are published today, more and more obscure titles reach world wide audiences. With the market clearly hungry for Japanese culture in gaming, ...[Read More]