Rogue Legacy Review
For the past few weeks I’ve put in a lot of time within Rogue Legacy for Xbox One, which releases on May 27th. As many of you reading this may know, Rogue...[Read More]
Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed Review
Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed, an anime fighting game with vampire-esque characters who can only be defeated by tearing their clothes off. I know, ...[Read More]
Hand of Fate Review
Ever since Hand of Fate went to early access on Steam I’ve put in a lot of time with the game. At the beginning I could never get past the first boss, but...[Read More]
Terraria Review
For the past few weeks I’ve spent a lot of time with Terraria for the Xbox One. If you remember, the game first released on PC, and then came to Xbox 360 ...[Read More]
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Review
I am TERRIBLE at fighting games, but for whatever reason I am cursed with enjoying them. It’s like I am a glutton for punishment, especially when they look pret...[Read More]
Borderlands: The Pre Sequel Review
I can remember the first time I played Borderlands. I spent so much time in that game, and with how big it is, who wouldn’t? To me it seemed like the firs...[Read More]
Assassin’s Creed Unity Review
It’s autumn, so that means it’s time for at least one new Assassin’s Creed game, keeping alive a now six year streak started by Assassin’...[Read More]
A City Sleeps Review – A City Sleeps
I am generally a fan of bullet-hell shoot ’em up games. I remember playing Ikaruga once it came to North America, and I vividly remember the frustration t...[Read More]
BlazBlue: Clone Phantasma Review
When I first fired up BlazBlue: Clone Phantasma, my expectations were low because I didn’t know too much about the series. I knew that the games were typi...[Read More]
Dance Central: Spotlight Review
When it comes to dancing I don’t like going out in public and dancing the night away due to thinking I suck at dancing. I do have a feeling there are othe...[Read More]