
PAX East 2020: 30XX Hands-On Preview

The sparks and bolts were flying in the Indiemegabooth as 30XX was available for play and demo. Announced just weeks before the beginning of PAX East in Boston, 30XX is the direct sequel to the most Megaman game that is not Megaman, 20XX. 20XX found itself to be a huge hit with its audience as it was lauded for its tight gameplay, strong combat, rouge-like mechanics, and its co-op play. 30XX is a ...[Read More]

Batterystaple Games Reveals New Game 30XX

Batterystaple Games reveals 30XX, a follow-up to its acclaimed, best-selling Megaroguelike 20XX. Set to unleash co-op platforming action for PC and console and in 2021, the new project will make its hands-on debut at PAX East 2020, from Feb. 27 until March 1, 2020.

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