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Globally synergize best-of-breed markets with innovative bandwidth. Efficiently procrastinate customized products and reliable ROI. Competently scale reliable leadership skills through sticky total linkage. Phosfluorescently provide access to open-source users with functional ROI. Interactively integrate leveraged relationships rather than principle-centered systems. Seamlessly implement progressi...[Read More]

Fullwidth Slider Portfolio

Seamlessly syndicate next-generation partnerships through progressive services. Professionally monetize vertical catalysts for change before backward-compatible niches. Progressively harness effective leadership skills vis-a-vis front-end e-business. Quickly formulate user friendly technologies via flexible paradigms. Compellingly harness impactful web-readiness after multimedia based products. Un...[Read More]

Review: SpeedX 3D Hyper Edition (3DS)

I love games that challenge my reaction time! I normally download games on my iPhone that are similar to SpeedX 3D and I play them on the go all the time. Now, I can enjoy a fast paced game that allows me to maneuver around a track dodging objects. The game utilizes 3D graphics to make the game unique and more compelling.

Review: TriOviz INFICOLOR 3D Glasses

The most recent entertainment buzzword has been “3D.” From the movie theater to the home, 3D has become more and more prevalent, with major marketing pushes across multiple demographics. Sony’s big push at last year’s E3 was 3D, introducing an entire 3D hardware package including glasses, a screen, and more. Games and movies have been pushing 3D more and more. 3D is now ava...[Read More]

Is PETA’s Attack on Mario Justified?

(Ed: PETA has released a statement saying this was just a joke… really? “Mario fans: Relax! PETA’s game was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, a fun way to call attention to a serious issue, that raccoon dogs are skinned alive for their fur,” Shakira Croce, PETA’s media coordinator said. “We wish real-life tanukis could fly or swat enemies away with their tails and escape from those who profit fro...[Read More]

Review: Conan the Barbarian

“I live, I love, I slay, and I am content.” So says our barbarian hero during this newest film adaption. And really, that kind of sums up the appeal of the new film, as well as how well it keeps to the source material.

E3 2011: Captain America: Super Soldier

Superhero video games do not exactly have a reputation for excellence. For every X-Men Arcade, there are two Superman 64s. When you get into superhero video games that are released as tie-ins to superhero movies, it gets even worse. For every Spider-Man 2, there are five games like…well…Spider-Man 3. So while I await the release of any superhero game with great anticipation, due to the...[Read More]

Eyes On Zalman’s 3D Monitor

A 3D screen that doesn’t need to use super expensive rechargeable glasses to see the 3D? That excites me!

Review: Cloning Clyde (Steam)

If you were paying attention last week (and if you weren’t, what the hell?), you already know how excited I am for this week’s Steam release of Cloning Clyde.  NinjaBee Games has released some rather interesting titles across multiple systems, so I anticipated the chance to play another of their games on my chosen platform.  This simple yet complex side-scroller really caught my eye, a...[Read More]

Steam News: Cloning Clyde is on his way!

If you are a fan of Old School gameplay, and are just as tired as I am over these over hyped, and often boring titles, you should listen up! One week from today (March 15th), NinjaBee and Bacon Wrapped Games will be releasing Cloning Clyde on Steam! Why should you care, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you.

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