Ace Combat 7 continues to soar high. This month marks the second anniversary of the launch of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown the epic aeronautical action game from Bandai Namco and Team Aces. To celebrate the anniversary, the team is releasing a series of skins for its online multiplayer, celebrating the legacy of the Ace Combat franchise, and the legacy that Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown has establish...[Read More]
It’s been almost twelve years since the last numbered Ace Combat game came to consoles. There have been a few spin-offs in the intervening years, but Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is the next official continuation in the series. With the official launch just a couple of weeks away, Bandai brought a big presense to PAX South featuring a set of linked multiplayer consoles, and several PS VR setups. I ...[Read More]
Do you have someone in your life who’s obsessed with perfecting their toss bombing techniques in DCS World? Perhaps a racing fan who’s got every corner of Laguna Seca memorized from over a decade of driving cars in Forza Motorsport? Maybe it’s someone who just wants to climb into a spaceship and blast off to explore the unknown? Marooners’ Rock is here to help with our holiday gift guide for the s...[Read More]