
Psychonauts 2 Achievement List Revealed

Psychonauts 2 is set to be released within the next 24 hours. With the game’s launch imminent, Microsoft has revealed the Psychonauts 2 Achievement list. Be advised, the secret achievements do give away some aspects of the game’s plot. So if you do not want to be spoiled by it before the release, come back at a later date. Now let’s dive into the Psychonauts 2 achievement list.

Borderlands 3 Trophies/Achievements Listed

The official release of Borderlands 3 is less than twenty-four hours away. With the game’s release just around the bend, avid fans of the franchise are fantasizing about playing the next assortment of vault hunters. Despite the game receiving mixed reviews, Borderlands 3 fans plan to ignore video game critiques reviews and experience the game for themselves. At E3 2019, we had the opportunit...[Read More]

KINGDOM HEARTS III Achievement List Shown Off

If you’re like me, you’re an avid achievement hunter no matter the game on Xbox 360, Xbox One and even Windows games. That will not hold back that once the API goes live sites like True Achievements and others get the full list of what you’ll be able to obtain in-game. While there are some Secret Achievements on the list you’ll need to head on over to True Achievements page...[Read More]

Review: OnLive

I’m going to be perfectly honest with you here…I have a pretty awesome job. I get to sit at a computer all day and create Excel masterpieces. In my downtime, I browse the Internet and just generally screw around. There’s only so much Internet, though, and I do, at times, find myself getting bored. This ended, however, when I managed to get my hands on OnLive. Downtime at work? As...[Read More]

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