Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield Rumored To Star in Multiple Marvel Properties for Sony

According to Inside the Magic, Andrew Garfield is rumored to be in talks for multiple upcoming Spider-Man films with fans hoping for Snydercut-style movement that would see the oscar-nominated actor return for Amazing Spider-Man 3. The news comes on the heels of the successful opening of Spider-Man: No Way Home, as Garfield continued to deny his participation in the film. While this is a rumor, fo...[Read More]

Review: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Movie)

The initial reboot has come and gone, and now it’s time to see if this series can take off. So, does it swing?

The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Arrives!

In the words of the 60’s cartoon of Spidey, “WALLOPING WEBSNAPPERS!”

Check Out Andrew Garfield As Spider-Man

We now have our first look at the rebooted web slinger. And it looks like he just had his ass handed to him.

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