Atari 2600

Atari Announces VCS Tribute Edition

It looks like initial sales of Atari’s new VCS console are going well. With more than a week remaining in the Indiegogo campaign, the wood-paneled Collector’s Edition has sold out, leaving the modern-styled Onyx as the only choice for fans who’ve waited to jump into the mix. But fear not, latecomers still craving that sweet woodgrain look for their entertainment systems, because ...[Read More]

ATARI VCS Pre-Sale Begins May 30th

We’ve covered the initial announcement and naming of the new ATARI VCS™ console, but Atari has now confirmed an official pre-sale date and location. Indiegogo will be the exclusive location for gamers to put in their pre-orders for the new console.

BOSS – A New Atari 2600 Game

Alright, so even though I’m a bit of Retro Guru here on Marooners’ Rock, I will admit that my knowledge of anything prior to the NES is pretty hit and miss. While I can name off most of the consoles after the NES in order or release and spout off all the cool little features of each, I never had much interest in anything before that magical gray box. That’s mainly because prior t...[Read More]

Coming Clean: A Tale of Murder

Forgive me, non-denominational-authoritarian-figure-individual-turned-to-for-support-and-absolution, for I have sinned…quite a lot, actually. What is my sin? Murder most foul. I have spent the last 24+ years of my life murdering all who stood in my way without a second thought or a hint of remorse. It started with grues and ghosts, then escalated drastically. From humble beginnings, I grew m...[Read More]

T3: Top Ten Best Video Games of All Time

Everyone has their own opinion about what video games are the best that have ever graced a console. What makes this top ten list different and totally unique is that my opinion is, in fact, the correct opinion, whereas the opinions of the past are incorrect and undeniably inferior. Actually, to call it my “opinion” is in itself misleading, as it is no mere opinion, but solid, irrefutab...[Read More]

Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

When I was but a wee lad, I found great joy in my Atari 2600, NES, Commodore 64, and more. When my grandmother sent me a SEGA Genesis bundled with Sonic the Hedgehog for my ninth birthday, I became a SEGA man. I still owned and played other consoles and platforms, but my heart and soul belonged to a little blue fuzzball in red hightops. Even to this day, if I have to choose between playing the ori...[Read More]

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Release Date and Pricing

We’ve mentioned Sonic the Hedgehog a few times in passing on this site.  To be honest, he’s a touchy subject.  On the one hand, when a Sonic the Hedgehog game is good, it can be one of the best games you will ever play.  On the other hand, when a Sonic the Hedgehog game is bad, it makes you wish you were playing E.T. on the Atari 2600 instead (for you young whipper-snappers that aren&#...[Read More]

WCG Ultimate Gamer

Lindsey and I were up very late a few nights ago, and we noticed something on the Sci-Fi channel called “WCG Ultimate Gamer”.  Both of us being avid gamers, this piqued our curiosity, and we switched over.  What we saw was a re-run of the first episode of WCG Ultimate Gamer, a “reality” competition show with video game challenges.  It’s a very interesting show, and th...[Read More]

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