Six years ago, the world was introduced to the bloody dystopian anime known in Japan as Shingeki no Kyojin or Attack on Titan. Since then, anime enthusiasts and Adult Swim viewers have peered into the world of Eren Jaeger as he searches for answers about his family’s past. The audience is thrown into the story within the first episode as Eren’s mother is eaten by a titan. After the eve...[Read More]
Today the team at Funimation announced its acquisition of Season 3 of “Attack on Titan,” one of the top global anime franchises and a fan favorite with North American audiences from the moment it first premiered in 2013.
It’s getting closer. Attack On Tital 2, the sequel to the game adaptation of one of anime’s biggest hits has a new battle trailer, and some much needed details for what dedicated fans can expect to receive as pre-order bonuses for their platforms of choice.
Yesterday was a day filled with false news and funny jokes from just about every journalism outpost, as well as major companies. Among these bits of news, Crunchyroll touted that the long awaited second season of the hit anime Attack On Titan (also known as Shingeki No Kyojin) would be premiering on that same day of jokes. While I was extremely skeptical of this, I was surprised to find that later...[Read More]
As Attack on Titan prepares for its second season’s debut in April, anime publisher Funimation Entertainment today announced that it has acquired the two-part recap films, and that fans can expect to see a limited screening in select theaters later this month.
For those of you who are avid Attack on Titan fans KOEI TECMO America today unveiled new details on pre-order bonuses and gameplay for Attack on Titan. What’s not to like about this news, right? They’ve even released two new trailers that show off the game’s heroes, fearsome Titans and high-octane gameplay that players can see in Attack on Titan! The game is scheduled for launch on Aug...[Read More]
Koei Tecmo have given the day when humanity will know their place as cattle.
Hello out there Anime-niacs! This week, Funimation released some exciting news! They have completely re-designed the mobile apps for their streaming platform FunimationNow. These apps are for iOS, Android, Kindle, and Windows 10 devices. Before this week, I’ve never heard of FunimationNow, but they have a new subscriber in the future.