
Review: Awesomenauts (XBLA)

I’ve been playing a lot of Awesomenauts lately, recently released on XBLA and PSN. How much have I played? Let’s say I’ve ranked up from Level 1 to Level 15 in a pretty strong run. Have you been looking for a great downloadable game to kill time with? Awesomenauts is by far one of the most interesting things I’ve found lately on the Xbox Live Marketplace. I had a chance to ...[Read More]

Awesomenauts Split Screen Trailer

When a game has the word “awesome” in its title, like Awesomenauts does, it’s setting a very high expectation in its target audience. That’s like if I called myself “Chrawesome” instead of “Chris.” There would be a definite expectation of awesomeness whenever I happened to be around (which I must say, I totally live up to even without having “a...[Read More]

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