If you were paying attention last week (and if you weren’t, what the hell?), you already know how excited I am for this week’s Steam release of Cloning Clyde. NinjaBee Games has released some rather interesting titles across multiple systems, so I anticipated the chance to play another of their games on my chosen platform. This simple yet complex side-scroller really caught my eye, a...[Read More]
If you are a fan of Old School gameplay, and are just as tired as I am over these over hyped, and often boring titles, you should listen up! One week from today (March 15th), NinjaBee and Bacon Wrapped Games will be releasing Cloning Clyde on Steam! Why should you care, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you.
A few minutes ago NinjaBee Games, the geniuses behind A Kingdom for Keflings and A World of Keflings, released a new trailer for their upcoming Steam game Cloning Clyde. This game is a collaboration between the NinjaBee team and Bacon Wrapped Games, and you really can never go wrong with bacon.