Bejeweled Blitz

Review: Bejeweled 3 (XBLA)

Bejeweled has been around for a decade now, and I know of very few people who are not yet familiar with this casual staple. Even my mother, who writes Facebook comments like she’s writing an email (“Hi Christopher. I agree, your beard is totally fantastic, and Smallville ISN’T a valid representation of Superman. Love, mom.”), has heard tentatively of Bejeweled. Bejeweled 3,...[Read More]

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 005 – “Mmm, beefy!”

A milestone has been hit! The fifth episode of the groundbreaking podcast Marooners’ Talk, titled “Mmm, beefy!”, is complete and available for your listening consumption below and, either sometime today or tomorrow, on iTunes! Of course, if you’ve already subscribed on iTunes, you don’t have to worry about continually checking!

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