Black Flag

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey Promises A Full Role-Playing Experience

It was subtly announced by Ubisoft that their next Assassin’s Creed game will be set in Ancient Greece. At Ubisoft’s E3 press briefing, we were presented with a ton of new information regarding how the sequel will shake up the franchise. Development team Ubisoft Quebec has let us know that Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey will be a full fledged role-playing experience where player agenc...[Read More]

The Best Bands You’ve Never Heard Of: Circle Jerks

When I thought of doing the TBBYNHO series, I was listening to Circle Jerks. To be more specific, I was taking a walk while listening to Teenage Electric, and I thought to myself, “More people need to listen to this band.” You’ll never know how difficult it was for me to resist putting Lemon Party as the article image for this piece, but by mentioning it I either made you think a...[Read More]

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