Earlier this month, Blizzard held their annual Blizzcon but with a twist. Instead of an in-person event, Blizzard announced BlizzConLine, a digital version of their media event. During the event, Blizzard announced Diablo 2 Resurrected and the Blizzard Arcade Collection. In addition to the two new games announced, Blizzard revealed new expansions for their top titles. Hearthstone will receive anew...[Read More]
Sorry, no news this week just me ranting. So if you come here for the news and not my writing style now is the time to turn around. Now that it’s just us, why don’t you grab a seat up here at the bar and I’ll pour you all some free drinks while I tell you about the way things used to be. More likely I’ll just complain about whipper-snappers and how they pollute my fictional game worlds.