Bus Sim

Bus Simulator (PlayStation 4) Review

Most people, while stuck aboard a smelly, late, overcrowded bus have probably had this thought at one time or another: “I bet I could do drive this. I could definitely manage this better. How difficult could it possibly be?” Enter Bus Simulator, a consolized variant of Bus Simulator 18, a title that gives gamers a chance to answer that question for themselves.

Bus Simulator Pulls Into The Station For PS4 and Xbox One

If there’s one thing that can usually be counted on about public transit, it’s that you’ll get to your destination. Eventually. Your bus may catch fire, you may get your shoes covered in vomit, you could get stuck in traffic in a snowstorm for four hours, your bus might be forty minutes late, then three of them show up all at once, but you’ll get to your destination. Probab...[Read More]

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