Card game

Twitch and Bethesda to Host First eSports Event for The Elder Scrolls: Legends at PAX West

This weekend at PAX West, Twitch and Bethesda are teaming up to bring Bethesda’s new digital card game, The Elder Scrolls: Legends to the tournament circuit.


One of the most iconic classic games which we all grew to know and love! UNO makes its return with an assortment of exciting new features such as added video chat support and an all new theme system which adds more fun!

Review: Nuts! (Card Game)

Nuts! is a simple and fast paced card game from Wildfire Games. If polishing your nuts or chasing tail interests you, read on! The rules are simple. The first person to get 20 nut points wins. There are five types of cards that will help you get there.

Review: Pirate Fluxx (Card Game)

My only experience with the Fluxx franchise was playing Zombie Fluxx at an airport with some people I had met at Penny Arcade expo. I had a lot of fun in that short amount of time and was very excited to try this new set. There is a new type of card included in this set to change things up a bit. The “Surprise!” cards can be played during your turn to have one effect or during another player’s tur...[Read More]

Review: I AM MT: Card Battle (iOS)

One of my favorite pastimes in high school was to play Yu-gi-oh and Magic: The Gathering; I would often spend my weekends playing in tournaments. When I was told of I AM MT and that it was a huge hit in Japan, my interest was piqued.  I often put game on my phone to play while I’m on the go or sitting in a boring class, but usually delete most of the games from boredom or never playing them....[Read More]

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