Gran Turismo Movies teases at CES 2023

The drive of your life is about to begin. Not much happened at CES 2023 but it did have its surprises. This includes a sneak peak at the upcoming live-action adaptation of the famed racing simulator Gran Turismo. The sneak peek teases exciting races in exotic cars and several well-known actors.

Cooler Master Reveals New PC Cases and More

With CES about to be on full swing, some details of items have come to light from Cooler Master. After reading the email myself, I can’t wait to see some of these items even if limited runs. Cooler Master, the high-performance PC component and peripherals brand, announced its Cooler Master Electronics Show (CMES) is kicking off at Palms Casino, Green St. Kitchen on January 5-7, 2023.

Razer Raptor Gaming Monitor & Blade 15 RTX 2080 Laptop Announced a CES

Who doesn’t like a good gaming monitor or even a laptop for gaming? Razer doesn’t stop with the non-stop news coming from the many companies at CES 2019. Today they have announced the Razer Raptor gaming monitor and new Blade 15 Advanced Model. While I’ve seen a few of the laptops in the wild. New news of one that has an RTX 2080 sounds like something many laptop users would be e...[Read More]

Mad Catz is Back with New Products

As many of you remember, less than a year after the demise of Mad Catz. The company Mad Catz is back under new management and this means new ideas and a new attitude is being brought to the table. Known for their award-winning range of R.A.T.™ gaming mice, arcade FightSticks, gaming headsets and so much more. The team is focusing on quality and will be providing top-of-the-line products. Pe...[Read More]

CES – Tesla Model S Powered by NVIDIA

Since I saw the first prototype images for the Tesla Roadster, I knew that one day, I would drive a Tesla. While the Roadster remains well out of my price range, the upcoming Model S four-door sedan has been set at a more enticing price of just under $60,000. Now, I can’t afford this either…yet. But hey, a man can dream about more than simply large women, can’t he?

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