Common Rider

The Best Bands You’ve Never Heard Of: Common Rider

I’m willing to bet that you’ve heard of the band Rancid, especially if you listened to alternative stations in the 90’s when they started hitting it big on the radio. I’m also willing to bet that some of you, though not nearly as many, have heard of Operation Ivy. To bring the rest of you up to speed, Operation Ivy was a short-lived late-80’s band that served as one o...[Read More]

Recommended Listening: Common Rider

Few people will have heard of Common Rider, of that I am fairly certain, which is a terrible shame.  More of you will have, however, heard of a band called Operation Ivy, which launched the career of Tim Armstrong, better known in the mainstream for his band Rancid and as a songwriter-for-hire.  The true talent of that band, though, found himself with less of the spotlight, but retained more respe...[Read More]

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