
The Legendary Bag of Holding Returns!

While some of you might remember, early this year friends over at Rollacrit announced the NEW Bag of Holding during April Fools. At first, I was like, ARE THEY MESSING WITH ME?! In a surprising twist, Rollacrit, a renowned name in the gaming community, has announced its upcoming Kickstarter campaign for the highly anticipated Bag of Holding. Some of you might not have known, and what makes this mo...[Read More]

Kickstarter: Ama’s Lullaby Gives Cyberpunk Adventure a Makeover

Several years ago, I was tasked with trawling forums to find interesting projects to bring to light. One of those projects was Ama’s Lullaby, an adventure RPG with turn-based combat that was in the very early stages of development. Not long after, developer Marc Chevallereau of Mercy Ground Creations decided to take the game in a different direction, but you can view the previous version her...[Read More]

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