Last week I finally broke down and got myself an iPhone. There are myriad reasons for doing it, but mostly I was tired of hearing about the games on there and being unable to play them. I spent my first few hours buying games and apps, then the next few hours playing them. After slogging through meaty games like Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2 recently, it felt good to just pick up a game that was noth...[Read More]
The first-person shooter genre has become the most prevalent type of game this generation, and every month we see a new crop of FPS games hit the shelves. While it is easy for most to get lost in the shuffle, certain games sail in on waves of expectation. Crysis 2 is the perfect example. The original game is still regarded as one of the best looking games around, even if the majority of people can...[Read More]
Prepare to enter Crysis mode March 1.
I’ve been reporting a lot about Crysis 2 lately, and if you follow me on Twitter you’ll know I’m absolutely in love with this franchise! And EA just made me much, much happier after hearing about the new multiplayer modes in Crysis 2!
I was overjoyed when I heard about Crysis 2. Now … well, words can’t even explain how excited I am. *happy dance* Let me stop jumping around like a maniac so I can sit and tell you all about the goodies!