Much like Power Rangers and Pokemon, I have a deep love of Digimon from my time spent watching the show each Saturday in the early 90s. While Pokemon continued to captivate me as a child with each release of the Game Boy games, I always felt more invested in the stories found in the Digimon show; the end of a story arch felt like an event that was built up by ads and special hour blocks. I’ve alwa...[Read More]
During my moving trip from West Virginia to Alaska (more on that story later) by truck, I was given a lot of downtime to just hang out and play some games that I haven’t got to sink much time into. Pulling out my Vita, I flopped between Axiom Verge, a Metroid-style game that I reviewed a while back, and Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. After a few hours of wandering about in the world of Digimon...[Read More]
Digimon has always been one of my favorite shows, especially with its more elaborate stories and cool as hell art style. I truly found my love for the series in Season 3, which had a distinctively darker tone that really captured some interesting dynamics with its characters. Most are into the awesome monsters, which means a Pokemon-like RPG only makes sense. While there have been some awesome gam...[Read More]