I fell in love with Destiny 2 and obtained the Platinum Trophy on PlayStation 4, but since achieving that goal, I have barely picked up the game since. I don’t know if it was playing too much at one time, or a lack of compelling content to keep me engaged, but my interest in Destiny 2 dropped very quickly.
Warmind, the next expansion for Destiny 2, is fast approaching within a couple weeks. There aren’t too many details yet for the upcoming DLC, but we are going to see more on April 24 with a gameplay stream before it’s May 8 release date. While we don’t have details about the next expansion’s new features, Bungie gave us information in their Weekly Update regarding the game&...[Read More]
It’s crazy to think where we are at now with Destiny 2. At Towards the final quarter of 2017, it was one of the most highly anticipated titles of the year. For the most part, it was met with much success from critics and fans alike as it was a. Then as the months went by, its playerbase started to drop at around 75%. There wasn’t enough engaging content to keep players in the sequel, a...[Read More]
Now that Destiny 2 has come to PC, it’s about time more details on the DLC that will be coming our way in the near future. Today during Paris Games Week details on the first expansion have been revealed. You may be wondering to yourself when does all this happen in-game? Destiny 2 – Expansion I: Curse of Osiris, takes place after the conclusion of the Destiny 2 campaign where you are dispatc...[Read More]