Guardians, the wait is finally over! The Destiny 2 ShadowKeep Expansion is finally out for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Over the weekend, Bungie launched the Garden of Salvation raid. The Garden of Salvation raid welcomed guardians back to the Black Garden. The Destiny 2 Expansion has reignited players with the moon in a way unlike ever before. If the Destiny 2 Shadowkeep expansion is anything...[Read More]
Earlier this year, the world was shocked when Bungie announced that they would be separating from Blizzard-Activision; since the official announcement, Guardians around the world have questioned the Fate of Destiny 2. Prior to E3, the Destiny 2: Shadowkeep expansion was leaked after data miners discovered patches of code in an update. Shockingly, Bungie and Destiny were absent from E3. Yesterday ...[Read More]
Earlier this year, Bungie announced that they would be separating from Blizzard-Activision. Since then, the fate of Bungie and Destiny has been up in the air with many Guardians concerned. Have the Guardians of light been overtaken by the forces of evil? Earlier today, Dataminers discovered the Fall expansion for Destiny 2. This fall, Destiny 2 will welcome Destiny 2 Shadow Keep to the franchise.