
What’s Wrong With You Guys?

Thanks to WordPress, we can view what people searched for that led them to our blog. I must say, some of you guys/gals are sick puppies lol Here are the top search results of all time for our blog (yes, I know that it’s not as many results compared to most blog sites but we are still growing): Now some of those are nothing, however if I run a search for the top results for the past 30 days, ...[Read More]

Prevalence of Penis in American Cinema

Over the last few years, I have noticed a very disturbing trend in American cinema regarding the wanton display of full frontal male nudity.  It has become more and more acceptable for filmmakers to show the penis in film today with no warning or consideration.  Now, some people may argue, “Chris, there has been full frontal female nudity in film before.  Why is this such an issue?” I&...[Read More]

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