Donkey Kong

Nintendo Switch eShop Big Ol’ Super Sale – Now LIVE

With this Summer’s absence of E3, many companies are trying to bring similar vibes this season! While fans are still anticipating Nintendo’s big Summer Nintendo Direct, The Big N has revealed a Big Ol’ Super Sale. This sale features many titles, including both 1st and 3rd party offerings; with discounts up to 67% off!

E3 2017 Hands-On: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle may be one of the biggest surprises in video games this year. Who would have ever thought that we would be seeing Ubisoft and Nintendo work together to create a game that just screams XCOM. Well, my friends, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is real and it is a ton of fun.

SNES Classic Announced, Arriving This Fall!

Nintendo has just announced that the Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition will be hitting store shelves on September 29th for $79.99. The SNES Classic will include 21 titles, many of which are considered true masterpieces. Potentially most exciting is the fact the Star Fox 2 will be included, a game that was never released. The other games included are as follows; Contra ...[Read More]

Review: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)

Our scene opens on a majestic fortress, perched on a tower that seems to reach impossible heights above the leafy canopy of trees. It stands as stoic sentiment to the lush and fertile land below it, and the materials and design lead us, the viewers, to believe that it is an ancestral home and that whatever family inhabits it has done so for countless generations. Inside, the family gathered around...[Read More]

Review: Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS)

When someone says the name “Donkey Kong” to you, what do you think of? The first words that pop into my head are “barrels”, “bananas”, and “HOLY CRAP…HARDEST GAME EVER”. That last little bit probably popped into your head too if you ever played the original Donkey Kong Country Returns on the Wii. Not only was it a fun little platformer with adorable enemies, but it is probably one of the har...[Read More]

E3 2011: Mario Kart 3DS

Nintendo is bringing motorized mayhem back to the race track on the 3DS with a new Mario Kart title slated for release this holiday season. The tentatively titled Mario Kart brings with it some new courses, karts and multiplayer functions that take advantage of the 3DS’ capabilities.

Donkey Kong Country Returns – And I’m Going Bananas!

Remember running through the jungle and riding on rhinos? Of course you do. All of our parents were irresponsible enough to let us for hours on end. Now that we’re all grown up, it’s time to do it again!

Its Man Vs. Monkey In Mini-Land Mayhem

Well, technically I think Donkey Kong is a gorilla, but…you know, whatever. Its a new Mario Vs. Donkey Kong game.

Happy 25th Anniversary, Mario!

Mario Mario is one of the most recognizable characters in video game history.  Of course, after 25 years of working the pipes, it would be terribly disappointing for him if he wasn’t at the top of the game.  Though he started off closer to 30 years ago by the name of “Jumpman” in the Donkey Kong arcade game, his real claim to fame started in 1985 when Super Mario Bros. was releas...[Read More]

Billy Mitchell Is Still A Jerk

In 2007, there was a much talked about documentary called The King Of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters that told the story of Steve Wiebe. Steve is a gamer, a teacher, and an all-around nice guy who wanted to have the highest score in Donkey Kong. Unfortunately, record holder Billy Mitchell is a total crybaby who just can’t admit defeat.

Full of Win: Auto-Tune News

Today on Twitter I came across a little gem that I can’t stop listening to. Based on a clip that’s hilarious on it’s own, a young man by the name of Antoine is on the news telling his sisters almost-rapist that it’s on like Donkey Kong. The story is that Antoine’s sister woke up one night to a strange man in her bed who tried to pull down her pants and force himself o...[Read More]

Nintendo E3 Press Conference News & Details

The Nintendo E3 Press Conference may be over, but that doesn’t mean the excitement has waned. From the get go, Nintendo blew us away. Reggie Fils-Amie came out to debut a new Zelda game, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and it got fans really excited. We were originally led to believe that a man named Bill would be the one doing the live demo, since Shigeru Miyamoto, a mad genius, seemed like...[Read More]

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