Dragon Age: Origins

New Dragon Age: Origins DLC announced

And the good news just keeps on coming! Today BioWare announced the next DLC installment for the popular game Dragon Age: Origins. Last month fans were able to play as a Hurlock Vanguard in Darkspawn Chronicles, and now we get to take a peek into Leliana’s past. If you’ve played Dragon Age: Origins, you will know that Leliana used to be quite the naughty girl, and worked for a woman na...[Read More]

Review: Dragon Age: Origins Awakening (X360)

I should probably start this review off saying that I am a big BioWare fan. I cracked out on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire, so I wasn’t shocked when I lost many hours of my life to Dragon Age: Origins. Being a huge RPG fan, I found Dragon Age to be fantastic. When a proper expansion was announced, I was excited and counted down the days. Three DLC packs had already been re...[Read More]

Review: Dragon Age: Origins Darkspawn Chronicles (X360)

Today BioWare released it’s recent installment to the Dragon Age franchise, downloadable content titled Darkspawn Chronicles. News broke about this a couple of weeks ago, but details were sparse. Finally getting my hands on it, I have mixed emotions. Months ago, the Return to Ostagar DLC was released, amid much hype and lots of drama. Unfortunately, it failed to deliver, and it flat out fail...[Read More]

Review: Dragon Age: Origins (X360 DLC)

I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins immensely, as indicated in this review.  What I didn’t mention in the review is that we downloaded and played all of the DLC currently available as well.  Well, to be fair, The Stone Prisoner DLC was included with the game, but we did purchase the Warden’s Keep and Return to Ostagar DLCs. The Stone Prisoner DLC provides a fantastic new character, Shale (wh...[Read More]

Review: Dragon Age: Origins (X360)

Since childhood, I have been a great fan of fantasy.  I have played many fantasy-genre RPGs over the last two decades, and they remain one of my favorite genres of video game.  Needless to say, I was excited about the release of Dragon Age: Origins. One of my favorite RPGs for a very long time was Neverwinter Nights, released in 2002 by Bioware.  Hearing that Bioware, makers of amazing games such ...[Read More]

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