When I was first introduced to Roudguard, I was on my way to an appointment with The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild at PAX East. We had appointments to preview Freshly Frosted and Sail Forth; however, when we got to the booth other PAX East Attendees were patiently waiting to preview the demos. So, instead of asking the developers to put us onto the scheduled stations, we asked the studio head what...[Read More]
At PAX East Larian studios took to the stage to reveal the gameplay for the upcoming third installment in the Baldur’s Gate series. Back when I heard that Larian had gotten this opportunity I was stoked that the makers of Divinity Original Sin II were making a new game in a series I didn’t think would get another. Who better to adapt Dungeons and Dragons 5e into a video game than the makers of Div...[Read More]
Larian is once again making their way to a PAX event! Featuring their massively successful Kickstarted board game based on the Divinity Original Sin video game and recently announced that they will be doing a Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay reveal! Baldur’s Gate 3 has been in development for a few years now and is slated to come out later this year. Originally made by Bioware, the Baldur̵...[Read More]
Dice, the magic click-clack math rocks, are a staple of every tabletop fan’s arsenal. With the roll of a die you can win or lose, strike down an enemy or yourself, win the heart of a crush, or make an absolute buffoon of yourself. A set of dice with a variety of number of sides are crucial in Tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder, each using various dice to determine attack...[Read More]
When an individual or group considers going to a convention, many questions come to mind while trying to determine if the convention is right for them. Will the convention feature like-minded people? Do I want to dress up in any certain way to celebrate the occasion? Are there any activities that I/we would like to take part in? With just those three questions alone, a person or group may decide w...[Read More]
DragonLance helped define me as a person. I am a huge fan of Lord of the Rings, Kingskiller Chronicles, Forgotten Realms, Dungeons and Dragons, and by extension of that tabletop gaming in general. My love for these stories led to a love for storytelling, which heavily influences my life today! I love that I have a job that enables and requires me to tell stories, even if it’s a simple commercial. ...[Read More]
Perfect Worlds is celebrating the release of the latest Neverwinter expansion – Neverwinter: Tomb of Annihilation with a mount giveaway! No, we’re not lying, there’s a code for a free Ash Tribal Lion player mount at the end of this!
Owlcat Games projected game Pathfinder: Kingmaker is based on the tabletop roleplaying game Pathfinder by Paizo. The story is based on an already published campaign of the same name, will be written by RPG veteran Chris Avellone, and will feature recognizable locations and characters from that campaign and the Pathfinder universe. The game follows in the spirit of games like Baldur’s Gate, Divinit...[Read More]