If I had to choose one genre of games to play for the rest of my life, chances are I’d pick RPGs. I can’t get enough of them, especially when they’re done well. The Witcher series had been PC exclusive, until just before E3, when an adaptation of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings for Xbox 360 was announced. I say adaptation instead of port, because CD Projekt RED was very clear t...[Read More]
When I first saw the trailer for Binary Domain a month or two ago, I thought to myself, “Hm. Did they just try to take Vanquish and make it a slower squad based shooter?” Now, Vanquish was one of my favorite games out of 2010, so this wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing; just an unoriginal thing. Luckily, from what I saw at E3, this is going to be something very different.
I never played Prototype. Even though Prototype had the look of a great open world, high power game, and it’s something I definitely should have been interested in, it just never seemed to grab my attention in an, “Oh man, I have to go play this game right NOW.” kind of way. Now, with what we saw of Prototype 2 at E3, I’m in.
Sit right down and let me tell you a tale. This is a tale of prophecy, destiny, and fate. One week before our horrendously awful drive down to E3, which is a story for another time, we recorded a pre-E3 podcast with our good friends Chris and Kelly. Rather than making standard E3 predictions, however, we decided (at my prompting, I believe) to make wild predictions that had just the smallest chanc...[Read More]
Prey 2 is not Prey. It became clear at the Bethesda E3 Prey 2 screening that the portal and gravity mechanics that made up most of the core gameplay of Prey were not returning for the sequel. Instead, we’re given an open world, mission based sandbox shooter. In this spiritual sequel, you are no longer the hunted, like you were in Prey. Prey 2 presents a more empowered character, putting you ...[Read More]
I’ve been geeking out about Anarchy Reigns since January. January is, coincidentally, when the fifth Platinum Games title was announced. So far, everything that’s come out of Platinum Games has been pure gold…or platinum (hurr hurr hurr). After what we saw at E3, does Anarchy Reigns live up to that Platinum legacy? Let me give you three words to answer that: MadWorld Spiritual Su...[Read More]
I wasn’t particularly impressed with Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale. My biggest complaint was that it was being touted as a “Dungeons & Dragons” title, but had virtually none of the customization options that are so integral to the Dungeons & Dragons experience. At E3, one of the Atari guys behind that title showed me a new title, Gamma World: Alpha Mutation, and the ...[Read More]
Thirty-one years. Warlords was released as an arcade cabinet by Atari thirty-one years ago. By contrast, I am only 28 years old. This game was, quite literally, before my time. Now, that’s not to say that I never experienced the cabinet. I spent many hours in arcades when I was but a wee lad, and Warlords, while not a regular favorite, got its fair share of time.
Missile Command was tasked with defending the planet from a massive barrage of…missiles. Unfortunately, Missile Command failed. The resulting explosion brought about mutations in the local insects. The insects were not happy with their mutations and, led by the fearsome villain CENTIPEDE, they decided to make their previous oppressors (that would be the people who smush bugs) pay for their m...[Read More]
Nintendo is bringing motorized mayhem back to the race track on the 3DS with a new Mario Kart title slated for release this holiday season. The tentatively titled Mario Kart brings with it some new courses, karts and multiplayer functions that take advantage of the 3DS’ capabilities.
Five and a half years ago, the gates of Oblivion opened and its denizens poured out into Tamriel. Eventually, after dicking around for days, or even weeks in a staggeringly massive open world doing odd jobs, hunting in the forest, and picking random fights with guards, I helped save Tamriel and sealed shut the gates of Oblivion. In November, Skyrim arrives and throws a crap-ton of dragons in your ...[Read More]