Enter The Dominatrix

Enter The Dominatrix Being Incorporated Into Next Saints Row Title

Early last month, THQ announced an expansion to Volition’s wildly popular dildo-bat simulator, Saints Row: The Third. This expansion, titled “Enter the Dominatrix,” has as of today been canceled. Yes, you read that right: canceled. That being said, have no fear, Saints Row fans. The now-canceled Enter the Dominatrix content will be incorporated into the next Saints Row game, titl...[Read More]

Saints Row: The Third – Enter The Dominatrix Coming Soon

Now, as many of you may remember, on April 1st (aka, April Fools Day), an email went out to the press joking about new Saints Row: The Third expansion, titled, “Enter The Dominatrix.” I, of course, laughed at this “news” and joked with a friend at Volition that, while fake, it was a great idea, and should totally come out. Since that day, I’ve crossed my fingers that ...[Read More]

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